
Module 2: Course Project

In this module, you will perform a vulnerability data analysis. You can download the vulnerability data at https://cyberriskmodels.com/crq-open-education.

In the course project vulnerability file, you will find a separate tab for each of the corporate office locations. For each office, analyze the vulnerability data by inspecting it and tagging it for Vendor, Application, and Exploitable specific keywords.

Be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. In the project vulnerability data, what are application-specific keywords?
  2. In the project vulnerability data, what are vendor-specific keywords?
  3. Which office has the highest count of Microsoft-related vulnerabilities?
  4. Which office has the highest count of vulnerabilities for the keyword Office?
  5. Which office has the highest count of vulnerabilities for the keyword Outlook?
  6. Which office has the highest count of vulnerabilities for keyword code execution?
  7. Which office has the highest count of vulnerabilities for the keyword remote attacker?
  8. Which office has the highest count of vulnerabilities for the keyword XSS for cross-site scripting?
  9. Which application in the New York office has the majority of code execution vulnerabilities?


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