
Ed.D. Program Course Flow

See course titles and descriptions under EdD Requirements. If a student has already completed a course (either within the EdS program or via a closely aligned course outside of Boise State), s/he can take another course in its place if one is eligible.


EDTECH 601: Introduction to Doctoral Studies

EDTECH 604: Leadership in Educational Technology*

EDTECH 698: Seminar in Ed Tech


EDTECH 606: Research Writing*

EDTECH 650: Research in Educational Technology

EDTECH 698: Seminar in Ed Tech


Summer courses are optional. Elective or cognate courses if needed/desired


EDTECH 603: Global and Cultural Perspectives in Educational Technology

EDTECH 651: Introduction to Statistics in Educational Technology Research

EDTECH 698: Seminar in Ed Tech


EDTECH 652: Quantitative Research Methods (Part 2)

EDTECH 653: Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

EDTECH 698: Seminar in Ed Tech


Summer courses are optional. Elective or cognate courses if needed/desired


Advanced Research Course

Typically: EDTECH 662 Advanced Quant. Research – OR- EDTECH 663 Adv. Qual. Research

another courses might suffice if offered

EDTECH 691: Comprehensive Examination (Cognate hours must be completed before one is eligible for Comp Exam)

EDTECH 693: Research & Thesis (1 credit hour; see Note 4)

This is not a class, but a supervised research experience. Students cannot take 693 before they complete the Comp Exam, and one must take 1 hour of it in the same semester when completing the comp exam. The number of credit hours one takes of 693 in ensuing semesters will be discussed/ planned with your advisor and/or the doctoral program coordinator.


EDTECH 693: Research proposal submitted around this time


Summer dissertation work is recommended, but depends on the availability of your research advisor.
Possibly EDTECH 693: Dissertation Work


EDTECH 693: Dissertation Work


EDTECH 693: Defend Dissertation / Graduate

Typically defenses are Fall or Spring only; summers are possible only with advanced approvals and planning.

In the defense semester, in order to officially graduate/finish by the end of that semester, one has to defend no later than the middle of semester (generally, in Fall it is by Oct. 15, and in Spring, it is by March 15). This means that one’s *completed* dissertation needs to be submitted for committee review no later than about six weeks after the defense semester begins.

If one plans to simply defend in a given semester, and does not have a plan to walk at the fall or spring commencement ceremony, and if it is not imperative to have a degree approved by the Graduate College & transcripted by the Registrar’s Office by the end of the defense semester, then it is possible to defend after the mid-semester deadline.

*Starting in Fall 2024, EDTECH 604 will be taken in the fall semester, and EDTECH 606 in the spring semester. This change was the result of internal feedback and conversations that are part of the Boise State University Program Area Review process.


Educational Technology EdD and EdS Programs Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Ross Perkins and Patrick Lowenthal. All Rights Reserved.