
Switching from Ed.D. to Ed.S.

Students who stop their progress toward the completion of the doctoral program have the option of obtaining their Education Specialist degree in Educational Technology from Boise State University. Depending on where the student is stopping out of the EdD program, there could be few or no further courses to complete.

If progress stops after successful completion of the Comp Exam, a student needs only to submit some digital forms through the Graduate College (see below). If progress stops prior to the Comp Exam, then students also must complete a 3 credit hour capstone course.

For the student who has successfully completed the Comp Exam, the following steps must be taken.

  • Complete the “Program Change Request” form and send it to the program coordinator after you’ve signed it.
  • Once the PCR has been approved, the student must submit a new “Application for Admission to Candidacy” form.
  • You will also have to complete an Academic Adjustment form, because in some cases you will replace courses required for the EdS with other courses you’ve taken in the EdD program.

If a student has NOT completed the Comp Exam, they must enroll in and complete the “Ed.S. Final Project” (EDTECH 680).

For students who wish to stop doctoral studies prior to the Comp Exam, or who do not have enough cognate or elective hours completed, please contact the program coordinator for more details.


Educational Technology EdD and EdS Programs Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Ross Perkins and Patrick Lowenthal. All Rights Reserved.