
Graduate College Forms

Find the forms at https://www.boisestate.edu/graduatecollege/forms/

Program Development

By the end of your first year of study, each student will have a plan of study in place. This document is developed along with an EdD program coordinator. The document will be created by the coordinator and shared with the student. The document is called the “Annual Review Form,” because it is something that gets updated annually.

Request for Transfer of Credits

If you have earned graduate credits (Grade B or better) at an accredited university (other than Boise State University), you can request that the courses are applied to your plan of study. The conversation about these credits starts with an email to a program coordinator. If it is determined that transfer courses can be recommended, then the student can complete the form found on the Graduate College site.

Application for Admission to Candidacy (AAC)

Following a review of your nearly-complete plan of study (contained in the annual review form), the program coordinators will authorize you to initiate and complete the Graduate College “AAC” form. This MUST be done at the beginning of the semester that comes before one plans to graduate. For example, if the planned graduation in Spring 2022, then the AAC is to be completed by (approximately) the first week of September 2021.

Appointment of Supervisory Committee (ASC)

At the time of the Comp Exam, your research advisor is confirmed along with other committee members. Once the names are confirmed, the student initiates the ASC. A change to the committee before the actual dissertation defense is possible. If this happens, then a new form will need to be submitted.

Adjustment to Academic Requirements

In some cases you will have changes to the academic requirements for the program (ex., an independent study gets used in place of a particular class). In this instance, after consultation with a program coordinator, you’ll complete this Graduate College form.

Dissertation Proposal Approval Form

This is a form created and tracked by the program coordinators. It is created when the student has a proposal defense scheduled and shared with the student and her/his committee members.


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