
Ed.D. Program Status Policy

This policy applies only to students in the Ed.D./EDTECH program. This does not apply to students in the Ed.S. program.


Introduction: Our goal is to lead with empathy when helping students navigate a doctoral program given the many other “life issues” they face. We understand very well that balancing demanding coursework and research commitments is difficult when one is also faced with challenges involving children, finances, personal health, aging parents, crises with close family members, and so on. The pandemic crisis years of 2020 – 2021 also impacted the progress and productivity of all. Faculty face all or many of the same issues faced by our students, so we feel that we are “in this together.” The program coordinators have an obligation to ensure that the doctoral program runs in such a way that is fair to students and faculty alike. By “fair,” we do not mean “the same” for each individual, but that each person gets the help they need. The policy described below is written in this spirit of empathy, understanding, and fairness.

Reason for the Program Suspension Policy: The policy was created to address faculty workload and the obligation of program coordinators to communicate with people who evidently consider themselves “withdrawn.” The policy only applies to those students who have either (A) Not contacted us about the reason(s) they have stopped-out and/or who fail to respond to email or phone calls, or (B) Have not registered for courses or credits in one or more consecutive terms when no Leave of Absence (see below) has been granted.


Leave of Absence: In any given Ed.D. cohort there will be students who must stop forward progress. Students who reach out to us about such circumstances can request a “Leave of Absence” (LoA). The LoA can be granted for up to one academic year at a time. It’s understood that during that time, students will not enroll in any courses. Keep in mind, however, that any time granted for a LoA still counts toward one’s overall doctoral timeline, which is 10 years as per the University’s Graduate College. Students who have extenuating circumstances can request a reduced academic load in a given semester, but the Coordinators consider such requests on a case-by-case basis, and is granted only for a given semester, not for the entire program of study. Students who have an approved LoA are not in any danger of a notice of program suspension during the time the leave is granted.

Academic Suspension: If a student fails to maintain the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) set forth by the Graduate College, they can receive an academic suspension. That policy, which is described in the Graduate College Handbook,  is not the same as this one.

Program Withdrawal: If a student feels that they can no longer continue pursuing their doctorate, they can simply send an email to the program coordinators indicating their desire to do so. The student might also contact the Registrar’s Office and Graduate College to indicate that they will no longer be registering for classes as an Ed.D. student.

Ed.S. Option: If a student does not already hold an Ed.S. in Educational Technology from Boise State University, then credits taken as a doctoral student can be applied to the Ed.S. program. The option is a good one for students who would like to “walk away” from BSU with a post-master’s degree, even if they do not finish their dissertation. Please alert a program coordinator about this possibility should you decide to stop your doctoral program.


Policy: When a student meets the conditions of non-communication and/or non-registration, they will be placed in either a “Monitored” or “Inactive” status. The “Monitored” status can only be lifted if a student resumes registration and communication with their advisor and the program coordinators. The “Monitored” status moves to “Inactive” after a second full semester of non-registration or non-contact. A student can only be taken out of “Inactive” status with a written appeal to the Advanced Graduate Programs (AGP) committee and a conversation with the program coordinators.


The following procedure indicates how a student is placed in “Monitored” or “Inactive” status. It is triggered by a student’s failure to register for one or more courses, or dissertation credit hours but who has not been granted a Leave of Absence.

WHEN: A student does not register for courses or seminar (601-689; 691; 698) or Dissertation/Research credits (693) if the student has passed their Comprehensive Examination (the program coordinators do a registration audit 10 days after the start of a given fall or spring semester).

THEN: Coordinators will reach out to any students who have not registered and who do not have an active LoA. The email will go to the student’s Boise State University email address.

Communication Expectation: When a student has been contacted about non-registration, they must respond within 14 days. If a student has not responded in that time, a second email will be sent asking them about their registration status and program plans.

ACTION: If the student does not respond to the second email, they will be placed in a “MONITORED” status. That status will impact their ability to enroll in 600-level courses, as no permission number for it will be issued until an explanation is provided as to why they have been out of communication.

In the subsequent regular term …

WHEN: In the following regular semester (not summer), if a student wishes to register for courses/credits, they must explain why they did not do so the prior semester. Coordinators will reach out to any students who have not registered and who do not have an active LoA. The email will go to the student’s Boise State University email address.

Communication Expectation: When a student has been contacted about non-registration, they must respond within 14 days. The email will go to the student’s Boise State University email address and any other email address we have on file.

THEN: If the student does not register in a subsequent semester and has not contacted us within two weeks of the email sent to them, then the student will be placed in the “INACTIVE” status.

“INACTIVE” status consequences:

  • The student will be removed as an advisor for the professor to whom they were assigned when joining the program
  • The student will not be allowed to register for courses or credits
  • Faculty and coordinators will no longer be proactive in reaching out to the student.

Should a student in ‘Inactive’ status wish to begin again, and if there is enough time left in the program of study (meaning that all requirements can be completed prior to the 10 year Graduate College deadline), the student must compose a letter that clearly explains why they have not been in contact, why they have not registered, what their plans for research are, and who they would like to serve as their advisor. The faculty will consider the request and let the student know if they should (A) instead pursue the Ed.S. option, or (B) re-enroll, following a strict plan of study and a commitment to communicate with their advisor and coordinators.

Date of Implementation

The policy and procedures described above will be implemented starting in Fall 2023. Students who have already not registered for several semesters and/or who have not been in contact with their advisor and/or committee members will be placed in “Inactive” status.


Educational Technology EdD and EdS Programs Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Ross Perkins and Patrick Lowenthal. All Rights Reserved.