
English 101

The following materials speak to the course outcomes, terms, and experiences for English 101. They were chosen with process, genre, and identity in mind.

Adrienne K. An Acceptable Ignorance.

Adrienne K. Masking Tape and Markers=Beautiful Native Street Poetry.

Adrienne K. On Consenting to Learn in Public.

Adrienne K. Open Letter to the Pocahotties: The annotated version.

Ahern, Kati Fargo and Frith, Jordan. Speaking Back to Our Spaces: The Rhetoric of Social Soundscaping.

Ahmed, Maryam. Legal Genres: The Gravity of the Supreme Court Opinion

Alexie, Sherman. The Joy of Reading and Writing.

Allen, Sarah. The Inspired Writer vs the Real Writer.

Anim-Addo, John and Lima, Maria Helena. The Power of the Neo-Slave Narrative Genre.

Ball, Cheryl and Moeller, Ryan. Reinventing the Possibilities: Academic Literacy and New Media.

Bawarshi and Reiff. Tracing Discursive Resources: How Students Use Prior Genre Knowledge to Negotiate New Writing Contexts in First-Year Composition.

Benthall, Jonathan. Indian Anthropology Still on the March.

Blaker, Karis. Sojourner Truth and Her Contemporary Media: Reports of Truth’s Identity, Intelligence, and Eloquence

Bremers, Emily. Who Makes Art on Instagram? Understanding Literacy Representation Through a Case Study of Instagram Photographers

Branch, Raymond, and Brandt, Deborah, and Lopez, Dora. Sponsors of Literacy.

Branson. First-Year Composition Prepares Students for Academic Writing.

Buozis, Michael and Creech, Brian. Reading News as Narrative: a Genre Approach to Journalism Studies.

Butts. The More Writing Process, the Better.

Carillo. Writing Knowledge Transfers Easily.

Carroll. Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps Toward Rhetorical Analysis.

Carson, AD. See the Stripes.

Casey, Mark. De-dyking Queer Space(s): Heterosexual Female Visibility in Gay and Lesbian Spaces.

Charlton, Colin. The Complexity of Simplicity: Invention Potentials for Writing Students.

Comer, Kate. Something’s Fishy Here.

Cretjiu, Anda-Elena. The Blogging Artist: a Genre-Analysis Approach.

Dirk, Kerry. Navigating Genres.

Driscoll and Powell. States Traits and Dispositions: The Impact of Emotion on Writing Development and Writing Transfer across College Courses and Beyond.

Edmundson, Mark. On the Uses of a Liberal Education: I. As Lite Entertainment for Bored College Students.

Elon Statement on Writing Transfer.


Friedman, Sandie. The Expert as Novice: Holocaust Studies and the First-Year Writer.

Garfield Minus Garfield.

Giles. Reflective Writing and the Revision Process.

Hammer, Steven and Knight, Amiee. Crafting Malfunction: Rhetoric and Circuit-Bending.

Hidalgo, Alexandra. Creating our Pasts Together: A Cultural Rhetorics Approach to Memoir.

Hinton. So You’ve Got a Writing Assignment. Now What?

Hyland, Ryan. Persuasion, Interaction, and the Construction of Knowledge: Representing the Self and Others in Research Writing.

Hyperbole and a Half.

Ingalls, Rebecca. “Writing ‘Eyeball To Eyeball’: Building A Successful Collaboration.

Isaac, Megan Lynn, and Trim, Michelle D. Reinventing Invention: Discovery and Investment in Writing.

Irvin. What is Academic Writing?

It’s Alive with Brad.

Jackson, Sarah K. Typewriters Typing Typists.

Jesson, Rebecca, Fontich, Xavier, and Myhill, Debra. Creating Dialogic Spaces: Talk as a Mediational Tool in Becoming a Writer.

Johnson, Patrick E. Queer Epistemologies: Theorizing the Self from a Writerly Place Called Home.

Kepling, Gina. Don’t Dismiss the List.

Lacy, Karyn R. Black Spaces, Black Places: Strategic Assimilation and Identity Construction in Middle-Class Suburbia.

Liu, Wen. Narrating Against Assimilation and the Empire: Diasporic Mourning and Queer Asian Melancholia.

Malcolm X. Learning to Read.

McCarthy. Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the Curriculum.

McCormick, Jared. Hairy Chest, Will Travel: Tourism, Identity, and Sexuality in the Levant.

Mellix, Barbara. From Outside In.

Miller, Carolyn, and Shepherd, Dawn. Blogging as Social Action.

Monaco, Leida Maria, and Moskowich, Isabel. Linking Ideas in Women’s Writing: Evidence from the Coruna Corpus.

Monthie, Kathryn Claire.Defense of the Defensive Writer: A Therapeutic and Relational Approach to Workshop

Myers, Danika Paige. “All the Lovely Ladies” and “Celestarium.”

Ouellette, Jessica. Blogging Borders: Transnational Feminist Rhetorics & Global Voices.

Pasqualin, Lucas. Don’t Panic: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to My Literacy.

Pensoneau-Conway, Sandra L. et al. Self, Relationship, Positionality, and Politics: A Community Autoethnographic Inquiry into Collaborative Writing.

Ramachandran, Shalini. “Poisoned Bread”: Protest in Dalit Short Stories.

Reed, Gay Garland. Fastening and Unfastening Identities: Negotiating Identity in Hawai’i.

Remix Inc.

Rose, Mike. Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language.

Rosenberg, Karen. Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources.

Selfe, Cynthia. What is a Literacy Narrative?

Shorris, Earl. On the Uses of a Liberal Education: II. As a Weapon in the Hands of Restless Poor.

Shorris, Earl. On the Uses of a Liberal Education: II. As a Weapon in the Hands of Restless Poor.

Spurlock, Cindy. Inhabiting Spaces of Resistance.

Stanley, Gabrielle M. Understanding the Learned Conceptions of Writing that First-Year Students Bring to College by Gabrielle M Stanley

Schwartz, Anya. Relationship-Building as a Means to Navigating Genre in the Writing Center

Straub, Richard. Responding–Really Responding–to Other Students’ Writing.

Vetter, Matthew A. Queer the Tech: Genderfucking and Anti-Consumption in Social Media.

The Streets. Computers and Blues Interactive Film.

Stuff You Should Know.

Spurlock, Cindy. Inhabiting Spaces of Resistance.

The Streets. Computers and Blues Interactive Film.

Stuff You Should Know.

Tomlinson. Cooking, Mining, Gardening, Hunting.

Vandenberg, Peter. Composition Studies.

Watch Everything is a Remix Remastered (2015).

Warren, James. The Rhetoric of College Application Essays.

Wardle, Elizabeth. You Can Learn to Write in General.

Whitney, Kelly. Bridging Rhetorical Genre Studies and Ethics of Representation in Minute Notes.

Williams, Saul. Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Willis, Paul. Constructions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Identities among Young People in Contemporary Australia.

Yee, Matthew J. From Mugshots to Masterpieces: Identities Revealed Through Immigration Portraits of the Chinese Exclusion Era

Zhu, Huisheng and Qinyan Cai. Flexible Intimacies in Three Moves: A Genre Analysis of the Scholarly Book Preface 



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