
English 102

The following materials speak to the course outcomes, terms, and experiences for English 101. They were chosen with affinity spaces, disciplines, and communities in mind.

Adrienne K. The Political Discourses of Black Indigeneity, And Why It Matters.

Adrienne K. The Problematics of Disingenuous Public Apologies.

Adrienne K. A Tribe Called Red: Powwow Step and Social Commentary for the Masses.

Adrienne K. WaPo’s new Redsk*ns survey: Faulty data and missing the point

Adrienne K. “9 Questions Natives have for White People” and White fragility: That time I was in Buzzfeed videos.

Bivens, Kristin, et. al. Sisyphus Rolls on: Reframing Women’s Ways of “Making it” in Rhetoric and Composition.

Cavallaro, Alexandra J, et al. Inside Voices: Collaborative Writing in Prison Environment.

Corey, Jessica Rose. Beyond ‘Digital’: What Women’s Activism Reveals about Material Multimodal Composition Pedagogy.

Cozza, Vanessa M. “Getting the Word Out!”: Public Street Art for Rhetorical Study.

Dougherty, Timothy R. Knowing (Y)Our Story: Practicing Decolonial Rhetorical History.

Enos, Richard Leo and Robinson, Natasha Trace. Claudia Severa’s Birthday Invitation: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Earliest Artifact of Latin Written by a Woman’s Hand.

Gee. Affinity Spaces.

Giles, Sandra L. Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking?

Hallenbeck, Sarah, and Smith, Michelle. Mapping Topoi in the Rhetorical Gendering of Work.

Han, Benjamin, Jin, Dal Yong, and Min, Wongjung. Transcultural Fandom of the Korean Wave in Latin America: Through the Lens of the Cultural Intimacy and Affinity Space.

Hammer, Steven. Writing (Dirty) New Media/Glitch Composition.

Jack, Jordynn. Objects in Play: Rhetoric, Gender, and Scientific Toys.

Johnson, Patrick E. Queer Epistemologies: Theorizing the Self from a Writerly Place Called Home.

Juhasz, Alexandra. On the Online Publishing and Re-Purposing of Learning from YouTube.

Ingleton, Pamela. How do you Solve a Problem like Twitterature?


Jasinski, Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies

Jenkins et al., Confronting Challenges of Participatory Culture

Jones, Rebecca. Finding the Good Argument OR Why Bother With Logic?

Liu, Wen. Narrating Against Assimilation and the Empire: Diasporic Mourning and Queer Asian Melancholia.

Lussos, Rachael Graham. Have your Epideictic Rhetoric, and Eat it Too..

Matsumoto, Kendall. Orientalism and the Legacy of Racialized Sexism: Disparate Representational Images of Asian and Eurasian Women in American Culture

Margolis, Rebecca. Remembering Two of Montreal’s Yiddish Women Poets: Esther Segal and Ida Maza.

Maynard. And on the Eighth Day, God Created Rhetoricians: A Case Study of the Creation Museum.

Meyers, Kelly. Metanoic Movement.

Mobley, Steve, and Squire, Dian. Negotiating Race and Sexual Orientation in the College Choice Process of Black Gay Males.

Ouellette, Jessica. Blogging Borders: Transnational Feminist Rhetorics & Global Voices.

O’Connell, Roxanne M. Critical Essay—Your Granny’s Gramophone: The Cultural Impact of 78 rpm Recordings on Ireland and Irish America.

Pavesich, Matthew. Field Notes on Activist Objects.

Pepper, Mark D. Post-Postmodernism and the Market Popularity of Superhero Movies.

Phillips, Stephanie. Teaching Public, Scientific Controversy: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in the Technical Writing Classroom.

Rivers, Nathaniel. Tracing the Missing Masses: Vibrancy, Symmetry, and Public Rhetorical Pedagogy.

Royster, Jacqueline Jones. “Ain’t I a Woman:” Using Feminist Rhetorical Practices to Re-Set the Terms of Scholarly Engagement for an Iconic Text.

Schell, Eileen E. Is it Worth it to “Lean in” and Lead? On Being a Woman Department Chair in Rhetoric and Writing Studies.(????)

Silva Rhetoricae. The Forest of Rhetoric.

Stroupe, Craig. Hacking the Cool: The Shape of Writing Culture in the Space Of New Media.

Vetter, Matthew A. Queer the Tech: Genderfucking and Anti-Consumption in Social Media.

Waite, Stacey. Cultivating the Scanveger: A Queerer Feminist Future for Composition and Rhetoric.

Whitney, Kelly. Bridging Rhetorical Genre Studies and Ethics of Representation in Minute Notes.

WikiBook. Digital Rhetoric: “Genres and Media.”

WikiBook. Rhetoric and Composition: “Evaluation.”

Willis, Paul. Constructions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Identities among Young People in Contemporary Australia.


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