
Presente del verbo Ir/ Present of Ir




A very common irregular verb in Spanish, is the verb ir which means to go.


Singular Plural
Yo voy
Nosotros/as vamos
Tú vas Vosotros/as vais
El, ella usted va Ellos, ellas, ustedes van

Notice that in the conjugation of the verb, after V all endings except for yo are the same endings that you would use for in a regular ar ver. Because of the irregular yo, the entire verb becomes an irregular verb.

The verb ir is used mostly use to indicated that you are going somewhere or  you are going to do something.  In order to do so, we use ir with the preposition a after the verb.



Yo voy  a la escuela.  I go to school.                                             Yo voy al museo.     I go to the museum. 

Yo voy a practicar tenis.     I’m going to practice tenis.


Notice that in the example, Yo voy al museo, we are using al. This conjunction is formed by a +el = al.

Ir can also express what you are doing in the future. When asked with “donde” and “adonde”, we would respond with ir.


Another future construction with ir, would include ir+ a + infinitive to indicate doing something.



Mañana vamos a la biblioteca a estudiar.         Tomorrow we are going to the library to study.

Ellos van a jugar tenis.                                  They are going to play tenis.



Now that we have learned about the present verb IR, let’s practice

Ejercicio 1


Ejercicio 2

Licensing and Attribution:

Gramática content on this page was remixed from Español por el mundo by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Adaptations include voice pronunciations provided by Gemma Morawski and openly-licensed images throughout the H5P flashcards attributed on each card via the H5P editing dashboard and forvo.com . Further adaptations include practice activities created by Gemma Morawski via H5p. Activities were remixed from the following sites;

4.3: Gramática- El verbo ir is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Erica Brown, Alejandra Escudero, María Cristina Montoya, & Elizabeth Small (OER SUNY) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. and created by Gemma Morawski.




Presente del verbo Ir/ Present of Ir Copyright © by Gemma Morawski. All Rights Reserved.