



You have already learned the preterite of two  irregular verbs, ser and ir. In this section we are going to learn about other verbs that are irregular in the present that are also irregular in the preterite. There are fewer irregular verbs in the preterite than there are in the present. These verbs change in their stem and the change as follows;

Importante: the endings of all these verbs are the same as regular  -er/-ir verbs except  in the yo form (first person singular) and in the él/ella/usted (third person singular). None of these verbs are accented.







Note: Notice that the thirds person in the plural (ellos/ellas/ustedes) form, end in -eron instead of -ieron.




Now that you have learned about the irregular verbs in the preterite, let’s practice;

Ejercicio 1

Ejercicio 2

Ejercicio 3

Ejercicio 4



Licensing and Attribution:

Gramática content on this page was remixed from Español por el mundo by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Adaptations include voice pronunciations provided by Gemma Morawski and openly-licensed images throughout the H5P flashcards attributed on each card via the H5P editing dashboard and forvo.com . Further adaptations include practice activities created by Gemma Morawski via H5p. Activities were remixed from the following sites;

Exercises adapted from 7.2.1: Práctica- Pretéritos irregulares, parte 2 by M. Barrio De Mendoza, K Gutiérrez, H.Ho, C. Lin, & A Stere Lugo (ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative), licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Images with voice were created by Gemma Morawski using canva.com, forvo.com and H5P.



Verbos irregulares en el pretérito/ Irregular in the preterite Copyright © by Gemma Morawski. All Rights Reserved.