
Number 0 to 100



Click on each number below to hear how the number’s pronunciation. After, read all the different rules that come with using numbers in sentences.




The number uno and numbers ending in -uno have two forms:
  1. When counting the number in isolation, use uno, veintiuno, treinta y uno,
  2. Before masculine nouns use un/ -un. Before feminine nouns use una/-una.
For example:
  • Un perro -> veintiún perros
  • Una mesa -> veintiuna mesas
Uno, veintiuno, treinta y uno…are also used when the number follows a noun even if the noun is feminine.



Numbers 0-30

Note that they are all written in one word.

1 – uno 16- dieciséis
2 – dos 17- diecisiete
3- tres 18- dieciocho
4- cuatro 19- diecinueve
5- cinco 20- veinte
6- seis 21- veintiuno
7- siete 22-veintidós
8- ocho 23- veintitrés
9- nueve 24- veinticuatro
10- diez 25- veinticinco
11- once 26- veintiséis
12- doce 27- veintisiete
13- trece 28- veintiocho
14- catorce 29- veintinueve
15- quince 30- treinta


Numbers 31- 100

Note numbers are written in three different words. 

31- treinta y uno 41- cuarenta y uno
32- treinta y dos 42- cuarenta y dos
33- treinta y tres 43- cuarenta y tres
34- treinta y cuatro 44- cuarenta y cuatro
35- treinta y cinco 45- cuarenta y cinco
36- treinta y seis 46- cuarenta y seis
37- treinta y siete 47- cuarenta y siete
38- treinta y ocho 48- cuarenta y ocho
39- treinta y nueve 49- cuarenta y nueve
30- treinta 70- setenta
40- cuarenta 80- ochenta
50- cincuenta 90- noventa
60- sesenta 100- cien
Hay (There is/ there are) is a word that is commonly used with numbers.
NO HAY to express there is not or there are not.
Por ejemplo (For example):
  • ¿Hay comida en el refrigerador? (Is there food in the refrigerator?)
  • No hay comida en el refrigerador (There is no food in the refrigerator.


Now that we have learned about numbers 0-100, let’s practice.

Ejercicio 1

Ejercicio 2

Ejercicio 3

Ejercicio 4

Licensing and Attribution:

Orthografía content on this page was remixed from Español por el mundo by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Adaptations include voice pronunciations provided by Gemma Morawski and openly-licensed images throughout the H5P flashcards attributed on each card via the H5P editing dashboard and forvo.com . Further adaptations include practice activities created by Gemma Morawski via H5p.

3.1.6: Números del cero al cien / Numbers (0-100) is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Enrique Yepes.

2.22: Práctica. Los números 30-100 is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Erica Brown, Alejandra Escudero, María Cristina Montoya, & Elizabeth Small (OER SUNY) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform.

Images are created by Gemma Morawski with canva.com



Number 0 to 100 Copyright © by Gemma Morawski. All Rights Reserved.