
Remix an Activity

Authentic Materials and Digital Humanities Sites

Now that you’ve customized your interpersonal speaking activity, you’ll have the opportunity to select authentic materials and digital humanities sites to provide language input for your students. In this section, we’ll discuss the value of these resources and how to find them!

To begin, explore the following interactive infographics:

Authentic Materials

Digital Humanities Projects

Want to learn more about Authentic Materials and the Digital Humanities? Review the resources below:

Click Here! Authentic Materials, Digital Humanities and Openly Licensed Design Resources for the World Language Classroom

This curated guide contains more authentic materials, digital humanities projects, and openly licensed design resources:

Click Here guide title page

Digital Humanities & Authentic Resources Webinar facilitated by the Pathways Project Co-Directors

Description: Would you like to incorporate interactive sites, commercials, artwork, menus, social media posts, and more into your world language classroom? In this one hour webinar, we’ll highlight some of our favorite digital humanities and authentic resources sites full of engaging materials to spark student’s curiosity and immerse them in the target culture. We’ll also share some of our strategies for finding these sites, including a searchable, community-built repository!


Webinar Slides

Searchable Digital Humanities and Authentic Materials Index

This crowd-sourced index provides a large collection of materials that are searchable by language.

Screenshot of Digital Humanities and AM index
The index makes it easy to filter materials by language



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Find, Customize, and Share Copyright © 2023 by Amber Hoye and Kelly Arispe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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