
Meet the Pathways Project Co-Directors

Portrait of Kelly ArispeKelly Arispe (Ph.D. UC Davis), is an Associate Professor at Boise State University where she teaches upper-division Spanish Linguistics courses and Teacher Education courses in methods, literacy and assessment for pre-service language teachers. She is Program Coordinator for Language Secondary Education Majors and Director of the Graduate Certificate in Computer Assisted Language Learning. Her primary research focuses on L2 pedagogy and CALL/MALL and intermediate and advanced language learners. Her current projects include using video tagging software to impact best practices in language teaching and the Pathways Project.


Amber Hoye (M.E.T), is the Director of the World Languages Resource Center at Boise State University where she supports faculty implementing educational technology and other innovative practice including OER, supervises an interdisciplinary team of student employees, and teaches a required course for language majors to prepare for attending graduate school or entering the workforce. Her current projects include supervising the creation of ancillary teaching materials in collaboration with university faculty, staff, students, and K-12 teachers, and managing the Pathways Project OER repository.


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