Unidad 5: el arte es aire

33 Vocabulario útil

All Se

Spanish English
Fotografiar To have a picture taken
Aliar To become allied with
Obstinar To persist in
Empecinar To become stubborn
Exceptuar To be excluded
Sobreponer To prevail
Fugar To flee
Avenir To agree to
Santiguar To cross oneself
Legalizar To be legalized
Jactar To brag
Eslabonar To be linked together
Turnar To take turns
Columpiar To seesaw
Preciar To be appraised

High % with se

Spanish English
Apoderar To take power
Quejar To complain
Refugiar To take refuge
Percatar To inform, become aware
Arrepentir To regret
Atrever To dare
Extinguir To extinguish
Adentrar To get inside
Enterar To find out
Empeñar To struggle for
Esforzar To exert oneself
Basar To base on, base upon
Resignar To resign
Referir To refer (to)
Desenvolver To clear up, unwrap
Interponer To get in the way
Burlar To mock
Internar To penetrate
Acostar To go to bed
Derrumbar To knock down
Aproximar To come near
Aproximar To come near
Equivocar To be wrong
Inscribir To register
Colar To slip in

No se

Spanish English
Existir To exist
Surgir To arise
Permanecer To remain
Durar To last
Consistir To consist of
Transcurrir To take place
Colaborar To collaborate
Provenir To come from
Estallar To explode
Constar To comprise
Protestar To protest
Derrotar To defeat
Sobrar To be left over
Brotar To sprout
Residir To reside

“The use of the ‘reflexive marker’ se” and “Subjunctive triggers” by Mark Davies is located in “A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish”  included under Fair Use as described in the CBPFUOR.


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Spanish Conversation Copyright © 2023 by Kelly Arispe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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