
Unidad 1: la infancia y la imaginación

5 Toy Story


  1. I can identify the underlying message and some supporting details across major time frames in two informational texts (online).
  2. I can make associations between the texts and the podcast in writing using complete and connected sentences.
  3. I can describe one of the two main protagonists from the podcast and introduce myself as if I were one of them.

En clase: Toy Story

Trabajo de clase, Toy STory

Tarea: Verbos de emoción + “No me casaré” (partes 1 y 2 en Jiveworld)

Añade los verbos de emoción a tus tarjetas en Quizlet para la unidad 1 (sólo las que ya no conoces bien) y esuchca a las dos partes del podcast, “no me casaré”.


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