
Unidad 1: la infancia y la imaginación

7 Vocabulario útil

Verbs of movement

Spanish English
ir to go
(pasar) to pass
Salir to go out
entrar to enter
caer to fall
correr to run
subir to go up
andar to walk
mover to move, incite
bajar to come down
caminar to walk
avanzar to advance
viajar to travel
conducir to lead, drive
saltar to jump, leap
manejar to drive, handle
huir to flee, run away
marchar to go, walk, march
volar to fly
trasladar to move, transfer
apartar to move away, separate
pasear to go for a walk, ride
descender to descend
circular to circulate, go around, flow
desplazar to move, shift, replace
deslizar to slide, glide, slip
rodar to roll, run, scatter
acelerar to accelerate, speed (up)
tropezar to trip, stumble
explorar to explore
navegar to navigate, sail
nadar to swim
resbalar to slip, slide
trepar to climb
rondar to hover, patrol
transitar to roam, go by
vagar to roam, wander
irrumpir to burst in, raid
deambular to roam, wander
revolotear to flutter, hover
brincar to leap

Preterit/Imperfect (Verbs)

Highly Preterite

English Spanish
fracasar To fail
contratar to contract
enriquecer To enrich
extinguir To extinguish
mudar To move
concretar To materialize, fulfill
redactar To edit
reiterar To reiterate
diseñar To design
asesinar To murder
emigrar To emigrate
embarcar To load
adherir To attach
entrar To enter
conquistar To conquer
derrotar To defeat
heredar To inherit
bautizar To baptize
fundar To found
decidir To decide
consolidar To consolidate
modificar To modify
Perfeccionar To perfect
reanudar To resume
reponer To replace

Highly Imperfect

Spanish English
solar To be accustomed to
depender To depend on
constar To comprise
desconocer To not know
vigilar To watch over
garantizar To guarantee
charlar To chat
equivaler To be equivalent
adorar To worship
latir To beat (heart)
flotar To float
fluir To flow
filtrar To filter
reposar To rest
ostentar To show off
reinar To reign
sudar To sweat
contrastar To contrast with
complacer To satisfy
presidir To preside over
albergar To harbor
haber To have (+Ved)
lucir To shine
adornar To adorn
poseer To possess

Approx. half preterite, half imperfect

Spanish English
ir To go
creer To believe
hablar To speak
llevar To carry
seguir To follow
llamar To (be) name(d)
venir To come
conocer To know (someone or place)
sentir To feel
mirar To look at
contar To tell, count
buscar To look for
entender To understand
recordar To remind
permitir To allow
servir To serve
mantener to maintain
resultar to turn out
leer to read
formar to form
traer to bring
suponer to suppose
tocar to touch, play
correr to run
utilizar to use

Adjectives of emotion


Spanish English
feliz happy
orgulloso proud
satisfecho satisfied
capaz capable
contento contented
cómodo comfortable
cierto sure
halagado flattered
libre free
vivo alive
honrado honored
tranquilo calm
superior better
seguro safe
popular popular
emocionado excited
animado excited


Spanish English
inclinado inclined
responsable responsible
conmovido touched
sorprendido surprised
raro strange
inseguro unsure
redeado surrounded
comprometido committed
Aislado Isolated


Spanish English
cansado tired
obligado obliged


Spanish English
solo lonely
culpable guilty
incómodo uncomfortable
humilado humiliated
molesto annoyed
amenazado threatened
avergonzado embarrassed
extraño strange
ofendido offended
triste sad
perdido lost
enfermo ill
defraudado disappointed
aliviado relieved
frustrado frustrated
acosado harassed
débil weak
tentado tempted
deprimido depressed
traicionado betrayed
aturdido bewildered
decepcionado let down
turbado upset
desconcertado disconcerted
inquieto restless
abandonado abandoned
sucio dirty
desorientado disoriented
desolado devastated
desamparado forsaken
cohibido self-conscious
agredido attacked
estafado cheated
invadido assailed

“Nouns across different genres”, Verbs of Movement, Preterit/Imperfect Verbs, Adjectives of Emotion by Mark Davies is located in “A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish”  included under Fair Use as described in the CBPFUOR


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