
Unidad 2: Soy yo

14 Vocabulario útil

Adjectives with Ser and Estar

All with Ser

Spanish English
importante important
único unique
general general
posible possible
real real
contrario contrary
anterior previous
capaz capable
común common
enorme enormous
nacional national
conocido (well) known
suficiente sufficient
popular popular
rápido fast
amplio wide
famoso famous
absoluto absolute
preciso necessary

All with Estar

Spanish English
dispuesto willing
cansado tired
contento happy
disponible available
compuesto comprised
satisfecho satisfied
preocupado worried
resuelto resolved
prohibido prohibited
convencido convinced
previsto foreseen
acostumbrado accustomed
sentado seated
dormido asleep
escondido hidden
ligado joined


Spanish English
viejo old
libre free, vacant
rojo red
oscuro dark
vivo living, alive
completo compete
frío cold
seco dry
activo active
triste sad
fijo fixed
limpio clean
claro clear
sano healthy
firme firm, steady
ciego blind
limitado limited
definido definite
aburrido boring, bored

Verbs of Communication

Spanish English
Decir To tell, say
Hablar To speak, talk
Explicar To explain
Comentar To comment on
Afirmar To declare, assent
Gritar To shout
Expresar To express
Proponer To propose
Anunciar To announce, advertise
Declarar To declare, testify
Mencionar To mention, cite
Discutir To argue, discuss
Nombrar To name, appoint
Aclarar To clarify, clear up
Reclamar To demand, require
Criticar To criticize, gossip
Conversar To converse
Pronunciar To pronounce
Rezar To pray
Murmurar To murmur
Exclamar To exclaim
Rogar To pray, ask, implore
Charlar To chat, talk
Platicar To chat, converse
Alegar To allege
Susurrar To whisper
Orar To pray
Recitar To recite
Dialogar To confer, talk
Suplicar To plead, beg
Invocar To invoke
Articular To articulate

“Adjectives with ser/estar” and “Verbs of Communication” by Mark Davies is located in “A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish”  included under Fair Use as described in the CBPFUOR.


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Spanish Conversation Copyright © 2023 by Kelly Arispe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.