Language Proficiency
Intercultural Competency
(Remove these instructions after reading)
Instructions: Replace the placeholder artifacts and the descriptions with your own content.
What is Intercultural Competence?
“The need for language competence in a global society touches every sector of life. From career preparation in an international workforce to citizen diplomacy and national defense to one’s role in a social or virtual community, communication across cultures is key. Learners today must have the language proficiency to communicate with global audiences, the insight into the cultural perspectives that shape those audiences, and the ability to behave appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts.”
– NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements
Artifacts Demonstrating My Intercultural Competence
Artifact Name, Course
2-3 sentence description in English that explains what you did for the assignment and a reflection that focuses on the growth, skills or perspective you gained.
![Photo of Woman Portrait Wall Art](
Artifact Name, Course
2-3 sentence description in English that explains what you did for the assignment and a reflection that focuses on the growth, skills or perspective you gained.