
My Skills

My Skills

(Remove these instructions and the placeholder skill inventory after reading)

Refer to the Skills Inventory assignment you completed early in the semester. You will, in the format of your choosing (and please feel free to get creative), highlight your skills on your ePortfolio. You may choose to share only the skills that you have mastered or add those that you are working on/would like to gain in the future too. Please be sure to highlight the skills you have developed and honed as a language major.

Ideas for Highlighting Your Skills

  • Create a word cloud and include a written or oral reflection on your strengths and language related skills.
  • Create an infographic or self-paced presentation using Google Slides or Canva
  • Create a one minute video using a tool like Canva or Adobe Express where you talk about your skills

Six skill icons for verbal and written communication, administrative, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, leadership, digital literacy

  • Proficient in clear written and verbal communication, demonstrated through crafting compelling essays in French literature and actively engaging in discussions in French conversation groups.
  • Strong organizational skills, evidenced by efficiently managing schedules and projects with digital tools like Google Calendar and Trello.
  • Advanced abilities in analyzing complex texts and solving linguistic challenges, showcased by studying French poetry extensively and interpreting literary texts.
  • Collaborative aptitude, exemplified by participation in group projects such as creating presentations on French culture.
  • Technological proficiency, utilizing online resources for linguistic research and creating visually appealing presentations with software like Canva and PowerPoint.
  • Leadership capabilities, demonstrated by initiating thoughtful discussions in linguistics seminars and leading activities in French Club to foster a supportive learning environment for peers.


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To the extent possible under law, Amber Hoye has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to An ePortfolio Template for Language Majors, except where otherwise noted.

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