
Saludos y despedidas

"Vocabulario" printed as title of the page.


Vocabulary for “Saludos y despedidas” will be presented in flashcards that will contain pronunciation and pictures when possible. Below each flashcard deck you will find a link with a printable version. After reviewing the vocabulary flashcards, complete the activities below to check your knowledge.



Saludos y despedidas

Saludos y despedidas




Adjetivos descriptivos

Adjetivos descriptivos



Now that you have studied the vocabulary for “Saludos y despedidas”, let’s do some practice.  Complete the following activities to practice what you have learned.



Licensing and Attribution:

Vocabulary content on this page was remixed from Español por el mundo by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Adaptations include voice pronunciations provided by Gemma Morawski and openly-licensed images throughout the H5P flashcards attributed on each card via the H5P editing dashboard. Further adaptations include practice activities created by Gemma Morawski via H5p.