7 Continuous Improvement

Throughout the pilot launch of the Open Education Development Series (OEDS), we offered opportunities for participants to provide feedback on their learning experiences using anonymous, optional surveys embedded within each module. Once participants identified the course or part of the Series they wished to provide feedback, and selected the module(s) they were referring to in their comments, they were provided with three general open-answer questions:

  • What aspects of the course/module did you find most useful or valuable?
  • How would you improve this course/module?
  • Option to provide any other comments or suggestions about their learning experience

We received great feedback during our pilot launch and decided to retain the ability for participants to communicate their feedback with us anonymously and as frequently as they wished. We deeply value and appreciate feedback from those who participate in our Series, as we are always looking to improve its impact and the learning experiences of those who participate.


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Open Education Development Series Companion Guide Copyright © by amyvecchione and sarahsaia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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