4 Curriculum

Content Considerations

The content and learning experiences within the Open Education Development Series (OEDS) consists of various openly licensed resources, remixed with original content, and aligned with specific learner outcomes and objectives. This section of the companion guide will take a closer look at each part of the OEDS and share the considerations that went into curating and creating the curriculum of the series. We have chosen to organize this section by criteria considered and will share how each criteria transformed throughout the series.

Criteria: Target Audience

The Continuum of Self-Reflection (Hall and Simeral, 2008) was influential in helping us to target a specific audience for each part of the series. Using the stages of readiness as a guide, we crafted audience descriptions that reflected a range of experiences individuals might have had along their OER journey, as well as experiences they could expect to have throughout the series that would help progress their knowledge and use of OER. The target audiences for each part of the series are listed below:

  • Part I is targeted to individuals unaware of or unfamiliar with OER. Part I participants are ready to build a foundation of awareness and understanding of OER and its benefits to education.
  • Part II is targeted to individuals who are aware of OER, but may be unfamiliar with how to effectively and efficiently locate and integrate OER into instruction using best practices. Part II participants are ready to learn strategies for integration of OER and other Open Education practices (such as open pedagogy).
  • Part III is targeted to individuals familiar with OER and resources that can assist in accessing materials. Part III participants are ready to build on this foundation with understanding considerations necessary for effective and appropriate integration of OER.
  • Part IV is targeted to individuals with an advanced understanding of OER, including knowledge of resources, strategies, and considerations for effective and appropriate use. Part IV participants are ready to apply skills in a way that results in a course that uses a majority of OER, meeting standards of no or low cost.
  • Part V is targeted to individuals with an advanced understanding and use of OER, including knowledge of resources, strategies, and considerations for effective and appropriate use. Part V participants are ready to apply skills in a way that results in the creation and publication of a new, openly-licensed textbook.

Criteria: Transformational Goals

Establishing a transformational goal for each part of the series allowed us to design learning experiences that would intentionally support participants’ progress and in their knowledge and use of OER. The Continuum of Self-Reflection provided an effective framework for ensuring the goals throughout the series met participants where they were at in their OER journeys, and supported their continuous learning and growth. The transformational goals for the Open Education Development Series include:

  • Part I: Create an awareness of OER and open education; Foster a desire to continue to learn about OER and open education
  • Part II: Motivate to make an instructional change; Show how to apply this new approach consistently
  • Part III: Build on previous experiences with OER and open education; Strengthen expertise
  • Part IV: Long-term growth and continuous learning, reflection, and improvement with OER and open education
  • Part V: Long-term growth and continuous learning, reflection, and improvement with OER and open education; Become an active contributor to the open community


Hall, P., & Simeral, A. (2008). Building Teachers’ Capacity for Success. ASCD.



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Open Education Development Series Companion Guide Copyright © by amyvecchione and sarahsaia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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