6 Learning Outcomes and Deliverables

With both readiness and rigor frameworks guiding our work, we outlined a set of learning outcomes for each part of the series with associated deliverables that demonstrated participant knowledge and skills gained:

Part I: Building a Foundation of OER Knowledge and Use

Learning Outcomes

  • Define OER
  • Describe characteristics associated with OER, to encompass the following:
    • Recognize the relationship between CC licensing and OER characteristics
    • Describe the limitations of copyright when in relation to OER
    • Identify components of TASL and their associated with attribute and CC licensing
    • Recognize similarities and differences amongst OER and Open Access materials
  • Describe challenges and benefits of OER use
  • Identify resources available to search for OER; describe search strategies for efficient locating of OER


The deliverable for Part I consists of completing the first part of a Personalized Action Plan which asks participants to document new learning and their reflections on the content explored throughout the course.

Part II: Transforming Practice with OER Creation and Open Pedagogy

Learning Outcomes

  • Tell how OER, Open Education has transformed over the years
  • Recognize the key characteristics of an Open Ed mindset
  • Define Open Pedagogy and describe strategies, practices, and beliefs that fit this instructional approach
  • Identify tools and resources available to assist in the creation and publication of OER


In addition to the completion of the Personalized Action Plan, participants in Part II are also asked to complete an OER Integration Plan which identifies details and considerations associated with the alignment and integration of potential OER.

Part III: Putting it All Together – Finding and Evaluating OER

Learning Outcomes

  • Effectively search and locate OER, classifying materials as appropriate for content and learning outcomes
  • Make observations of existing OER reviews to assist in OER adoption processes
  • Apply principles of OER in evaluative process utilizing the Open Education Network Rubric tool (a rubric developed by BCcampus and licensed CC BY)


Participants in Part III are expected to publish a written review of an open textbook of their selection to OER Commons, as well as to complete a plan to adopt and integrate their selected OER into their course. For the purposes of this part of the series, participants are not required to integrate their selected OER, though they do have the option to continue this work into Part IV of the series if they wished.

Part IV: Putting it All Together – Adopting and Integrating OER

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a plan to adopt and integrate OER into course
  • Revise existing OER to target specific learning outcomes
  • Address accessibility through the application of an accessibility checklist when adopting, integrating OER
  • Critique OER impact on student learning, teaching experience, and revise as necessary


Part IV of the OEDS includes several milestones and deliverables to ensure participants are making steady progress throughout the course. Participants are asked to complete and submit a record of their OER search results, which we offer the use of the OER Inventory to accomplish this, though participants are free to document their OER search using whichever documentation tool they prefer.

As participants near the completion of Module 3, they are asked to complete and submit an OER Adaptation RoadMap. This document identifies details for adaptation, including licensing information, alignment to course, and plan for modifications with estimated time to accomplish each modification step.

A unique feature of Part IV is its flexibility in allowing participants to determine their final deliverable. Because adaptation projects can vary greatly, participants have the opportunity to choose from two different options associated with remixing an existing OER. Participants can elect to engage in remix projects that are more limited in scope and consist of more minor changes to the original OER; or, they may pursue projects that involve more significant modifications and/or are remix projects involving several existing OER. These projects generally result in the creation and publication of a Pressbook, and may tend to require more flexibility and support. Regardless of which option participants select, all adapted and published OER are expected to be openly licensed and participants are expected to plan how they intend to critique the implementation of the OER and document its impact.

Part V: Putting it All Together – Creating and Publishing Your Own Open Textbook

Learning Outcomes

  • Design and plan contents, organization of original OER textbook utilizing Textbook Charter strategy
  • Apply OER principles when composing and developing original OER textbook utilizing Pressbooks
  • Address accessibility through the application of an accessibility checklist when creating OER
  • Apply concepts of Creative Commons licensing when determining appropriate licensing for an original OER
  • Critique OER impact on student learning, teaching experience and revise as necessary


Over the course of eight weeks, Part V participants are expected to complete a series of milestones that collectively build toward the completion and publication of an original OER. We have provided access to all resources here, licensed CC BY-NC-SA and in view-only form. Please make a copy to retain and/or adapt for your own use. An estimated two weeks were allotted for each of the following:

  • Textbook Charter: This milestone supported participants’ planning and outlining of their text.
  • OER Inventory: The OER Inventory was offered as a possible search tool for participants to share their collection and alignment of OER for their project.
  • Multimedia Elements: To help organize and plan for the multimedia elements participants will integrate into their text, this resource includes considerations that authors need to make for their publications, including licensing information and accessibility requirements. This milestone also connects participants with a multimedia developer who assists in the design of a professional book cover for their published text.
  • Pressbooks Build Checklist: While not necessarily submitted in the course, the Pressbooks Build checklist is a self-check tool that assists textbook developers in a comprehensive review and revision process to ensure their text is ready for publication.
  • Evaluation and Revision Plan: This two-part milestone is oriented more toward future implementation of the published text. Participants are guided in a reflection of their OER using a rubric based on the Open Textbook Library’s rubric, specifically highlighting areas of strength and potential improvements in their text. Participants are also expected to consider how they will solicit student feedback on their learning experiences with the text.

The final deliverable for Part V of the Open Education Development Series is a completed and published original open textbook. We identified the following criteria in an effort to define a “successful completion”:

  • Development of a 5-chapter OER textbook that may leverage revised openly licensed content and original faculty writing;
  • Each chapter should cover at least one online module’s worth of course content;
  • Originally written Chapter Objectives and Check Your Understanding activities to support student comprehension of course content;
  • Implementation of images, videos, and interactives, as appropriate to the curriculum;
  • Pass an accessibility check and make any requested revisions;
  • Properly implement open licenses and citation practices, pass a review for copyright, and be assigned an open license;
  • Collaborate with eCampus Center staff to create a cover for the resulting textbook.


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Open Education Development Series Companion Guide Copyright © by amyvecchione and sarahsaia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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