14 Open Education Development Series Supplemental Materials

If you are considering adapting the Open Education Development Series to fit your institution’s needs, you may find some value in some of these additional resources. Unless otherwise specified, these resources are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International 4.0 license. You are free to share and adapt these resources as needed provided your use is noncommercial, you provide attribution of your adapted content, and you share any adaptations under the same license. All linked resources below are view only or a forced copy. To edit, please make a copy and save to your Google Drive:

  • Information Session Presentation (Google Slides)
    • Provides a comprehensive overview of the Open Education Development Series to prospective participants
  • Enrollment Google Form for the Open Education Development Series (forced copy)
    • Parts I-IV follow a self-enrollment process where participants reflect on their prior knowledge, experience, and goals with OER to find their starting place within the OEDS
  • Application Worksheet and Google Form (forced copy) for participation in Part V of the Open Education Development Series
    • Due to the nature of support Part V requires, the rigor of creating an original text within the window of time we have to work within, and the level of commitment we look for from our participants, participation in Part V is application-based
    • To allow participants the opportunity to save their progress on their application, we offer a Google Doc worksheet for participations to draft their responses and prepare their application in as many work sessions as they may require
  • Rubric (Google Sheet) for evaluating Part V applications
    • This Google Sheet workbook includes the evaluation criteria and separate tabs for up to four applicants. To add more tabs across the bottom while retaining formatting, right click on a participant tab and click duplicate. We included three reviewers in our process and averaged each reviewer’s ratings according to the established criteria to determine applicants’ acceptance


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Open Education Development Series Companion Guide Copyright © by amyvecchione and sarahsaia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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