
Japanese Level 1, Activity #7: “Katakana Bingo” / “カタカナビンゴ” (Online)


Image via Irasutoya

The students will have a selection of bingo rounds to practice katakana with. Start with bingo 1 to practice the basic characters and prepare the students for a more difficult game. Then go to bingo 2 which will be a more exciting game where students will practice full katakana words.
Semantic Topics:
Katakana, loan words, Bingo, カタカナ, ローンの言葉, ビンゴ, Verb Conjugation, 五段活用, Verb Types and the “Present Tense”, 動詞の種類と「現在時制」, Particles, てにをは, Time References, 時間の参照, 〜ませんか, Frequency Adverbs, 頻度副詞, Word Order, 語順, The Topic Particle は, 話題の助詞は

Products: Katakana
Practices: Different Uses for Katakana
Perspectives: The purposes of each writing system

NCSSFL-ACTFL World Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the Japanese language and their own
  • Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of Japanese culture and their own.

Idaho Content Standards for World Languages:

  • COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
  • CONN 2.1: Access authentic materials prepared in the target language by or for native speakers.
  • COMP 1.1:Observe formal and informal forms of language.
  • COMP 1.2: Identify patterns and explain discrepancies the sounds and the writing system in the target

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can recognize individual katakana.
  • I can understand loan words written in katakana.

Materials Needed

Would you like to make changes to the materials? Access the template(s) below:

(Canva Template, free account required)


Pull up the presentation and greet your students in Japanese.


Move to the next slide with the “Can-Do Statements” and read each Can-Do statement in English.


Katakana Bingo: Start with katakana bingo to ease the students into the more difficult game later.


  • ビンゴをしましょう!

Give each student a Katakana Bingo Card by sharing this link in chat:


  • https://mfbc.us/m/bc7zkt (will generate different card per student)

To play the game, open this link: https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/free/bc7zkt and click on the Call Game button.

When students have that katakana on their card, they should click that katakana to mark it.


For the first character, make sure the students understand the game.

  • 例えば:最初は「フ」です。誰か「フ」がありますか?

If they have 「フ」, make sure they cross it out.

The first to get five-in-a-row wins! Once a student wins, have them read out which ones they got! (So we can also check if they really did get them.)

5列連続で最初に勝ちました!生徒が勝ったら、どれを手に入れたかを読んでもらいましょう。 (したがって、実際に取得したかどうかも確認できます。)

Play 2-3 rounds with students. (Have them click New Card to get a new card) This should take about 10-15 minutes.

生徒と2〜3ラウンドプレイします。 (新しいカードをクリックして新しいカードを入手してもらいます)これには約10〜15分かかります。

Main Activity:

Now we are going to play bingo again but a little fancier! We will show students a picture and say the word and they will mark off the word by reading the katakana on these bingo sheets.


In order to call the picture, you will circle it using annotate and say it aloud. (You will not use the call feature for this activity)

写真を呼び出すには、注釈を使用して写真を丸で囲み、声に出して言います。 (このアクティビティでは通話機能を使用しません)

The first to get five-in-a-row wins! Once a student wins, have them read out which ones they got! (So we can also check if they really did get them.)

5列連続で最初に勝ちました!生徒が勝ったら、どれを手に入れたかを読んでもらいましょう。 (したがって、実際に取得したかどうかも確認できます。)

Play 2-3 rounds with students. (Have them click New Card to get a new card) This should take about 10-15 minutes.

生徒と2〜3ラウンドプレイします。 (新しいカードをクリックして新しいカードを入手してもらいます)これには約10〜15分かかります。


Have each student write a word in Katakana!


End of Activity:

  • Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate
    their confidence.
    (Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
  • Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can recognize individual katakana.
  • I can understand loan words written in katakana.


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Let's Chat! Japanese Copyright © 2022 by Ashley Hutchinson; Cation Jones; Cora Lytle; Deana Nassans; Ethan Hoggan; Grace Mcgrorty; Halle Robertson; Hideaki Furukawa; Kaden Davis; Kaho Otsuki; Kaoru Mitsukude; Mai Kawamato; Mary Alania; Theadora Callahan; and Thomas Monaghan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.