
Japanese Level 3, Activity #9: “What Would You Do?” / “あなたならどうしますか?” (Online)


In this activity, students will talk about what they want to purchase and explain why they are choosing to purchase it. Students will also plan a trip to Japan and practice talking about what they would visit while in Japan.

Semantic Topics:

Shopping, Travel, Planning, Tourist Attractions, ショッピング, 旅行, 計画, 観光スポット

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards: 

  • Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken Japanese on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Japanese culture.
  • Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Japanese culture.

Idaho Content Standards for World Languages:

  • COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
  • COMM 2.1: Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • CLTR 1.1: Analyze the cultural practices/patterns of behavior accepted as the societal norm in the target culture.
  • CLTR 2.1: Analyze the significance of a product (art, music, literature, etc…) in a target culture.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • Based on a series of choices, I can decide what I would buy and share why I would buy it.
  • Given an activity, I can say what I would do beforehand to prepare and why.

Materials Needed


Open up the slideshow and share the can-do statements with the students.

For this warm-up, each student will have a slide that they will answer. (One slide per student, go around the group.)

Students will be given a fixed amount of money and have two choices for how they’d like to spend it. They will need to respond with: 1) which item they will buy and 2) why they will buy it.

Continue going through the slides until all students have had the opportunity to speak.

Main Activity:

The students will be planning a trip to Japan!

For each slide, there will be a major junction of planning for the students to schedule and plan for.

At each junction, the students will need to cover at least the listed items using the ~ておく construction.

For the plane ride, they will need to get a plane ticket (飛行機のチケットをかっておく)、get a passport (パスポートをとっておく)、and something for the plane ride (例えば:飛行機の病気にならないように薬を飲んでおく)

For after the plane ride, they will need to have transportation (バスのチケットを買っておくand they will need to find a place to stay, (ホテルを予約する)

From slide 13 onward, there will be a number of activities available for the students to do in Tokyo, Miyagi Prefecture, and the City of Nishinomiya.

However, there is only enough time for the students to choose one activity per student.

For each selected activity or location, the students will need to plan how they will get there, and describe what they will do and why they want to go.

End of Activity

  • Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate
    their confidence.
    (Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
  • Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • Based on a series of choices, I can decide what I would buy and share why I would buy it.
  • Given an activity, I can say what I would do beforehand to prepare and why.


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Let's Chat! Japanese Copyright © 2022 by Ashley Hutchinson; Cation Jones; Cora Lytle; Deana Nassans; Ethan Hoggan; Grace Mcgrorty; Halle Robertson; Hideaki Furukawa; Kaden Davis; Kaho Otsuki; Kaoru Mitsukude; Mai Kawamato; Mary Alania; Theadora Callahan; and Thomas Monaghan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.