
Japanese Level 5, Activity #6: “Coffee Talk” / “コーヒートーク” (Face-to-Face)


The students will watch a comedy skit from a Japanese TV show that encourages students to think outside of the box. The students will then choose a broad topic from a list of topics and attempt to list as many things as they can regarding that topic. The most creative students will win.

Semantic Topics:

Various topics, vocabulary, handwriting practice, linguistic creativity, 様々なトピック, 語彙, 手書き練習, 言語性

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken Japanese on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Japanese culture.

Idaho Content Standards for World Languages:

  • COMM 1.1 – Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
  • COMM 2.1 – Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • CONN 2.3 – Compare and contrast cultural similarities and differences in authentic materials.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can expand upon a given topic in creative ways.
  • I can write a wide array of Japanese words and phrases.
  • I can express opinions that relate to everyday topics

Materials Needed:


  1. Watch this door prank video (Moral of the story: think outside the box)

Main Activity

  • Coffee talk – For this activity, the key is to think outside of the box


  • Give each student a whiteboard, dry erase marker, and eraser.
  • Have the students pick a topic from coffee talk topics.


  • On their whiteboards, have the students write a list of things that come to their mind when they think of that topic.


  • At the end, have the students read their list and if someone else wrote the same thing, they cannot get a point for that answer



  1. What was the most creative answer?1番面白かった答えはどれですか?
  2. What was the hardest topic to talk about?1番難しかったトピックはどれですか?

end of activity

  • Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate
    their confidence.
    (Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
  • Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can expand upon a given topic in creative ways.
  • I can write a wide array of Japanese words and phrases.
  • I can express opinions that relate to everyday topics


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Let's Chat! Japanese Copyright © 2022 by Ashley Hutchinson; Cation Jones; Cora Lytle; Deana Nassans; Ethan Hoggan; Grace Mcgrorty; Halle Robertson; Hideaki Furukawa; Kaden Davis; Kaho Otsuki; Kaoru Mitsukude; Mai Kawamato; Mary Alania; Theadora Callahan; and Thomas Monaghan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.