Module 08: Chez moi
Deuxième partie: des tâches ménagères, le vocabulaire

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section!
Household Chores | Les tâches ménagères (F.) |
To Do the Shopping | Faire des achats |
To Go to the Market | Faire le marché |
To Do Errands | Faire des courses |
To Clean the House | Faire le ménage |
To Cook | Faire la cuisine/Faire a manger |
To Do the Dishes | Faire la vaisselle |
Soap | Le savon |
To Tidy Up My Room | Ranger ma chambre |
To Make the Bed | Faire le lit |
To Vacuum | Passer l'aspirateur |
To Do the Laundry | Faire la lessive |
Laundry | Le linge |
To Iron | Repasser |
To Do DIY Work | Bricoler |
Clean | Propre |
Dirty | Sale |
In Order | En ordre |
In Disorder | En désordre |
A Mess | Un bazar |
To Hurry | Se dépêcher |
To Be Bored | S'ennuyer |
To Worry | S'inquiéter |
To Get Angry | Se fâcher |
To Argue | Se disputer |
Domestic Tasks | Les tâches domestiques (F.) |
To Mow the Lawn | Tondre le gazon |
To Water the Plants | Arroser les plantes |
To Clean | Nettoyer |
To Dust | Enlever la poussière |
To Walk the Dog | Promener le chien |
To Sweep | Balayer |
Broom | Le balai |
To Work in the Garden | Travailler dans le jardin |
To Take Out the Trash | Sortir la poubelle |
To Shovel Snow | Déneiger |
Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!