
Module 08: Chez moi

Première partie: à la maison, les exercices

Les Exercices

Two young people sitting in a bright living room using their laptops
Photo by Cottonbro for Pexels

Exercice 1. Dans la cuisine

Exercice 2. La maison de votre prof

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Exercice 3. Quelle pièce

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Exercice 4. Un peu de shopping – meubler un appartement

You and your roommate abroad have saved over the last year and you want to finally purchase some things to furnish your apartment. Visit https://www.darty.com/  Visit the site and find six pieces of furniture. Complete the table.

Instructions en français : Vous avez envie d’habiter en France et d’acheter des meubles.
Allez sur le site Darty, http://www.darty.com/.  Cherchez et choisissez six meubles (lit, commode, table, canapé, lave-vaisselle, etc). • Complétez le tableau.

*Copy the items that you have chosen into your document. You will share this later with your classmates.


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Exercice 5. Les pronoms toniques

Exercice 6. Le pronom y – Qu’est-ce qu’on y fait ?

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Exercice 7. Le pronom y – transformez

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Exercice 8. Quelle pièce ?


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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 102 Copyright © 2022 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.