
Module 06: La ville

Première partie: Montréal, Les exercices

Les Exercices

Montreal at dusk with urban skyscrapers viewed from mont royal
Photo from Freepik

Exercice 1. Les conjugaisons (verbes -re)

Exercice 2. Les conjugaisons (verbes -re)

Exercice 3. Les lieux de la ville

Exercice 4. Où?

Exercice 5. Les articles contractés (à, au, à la, aux)

Exercice 6. Les articles contractés (de, du, de la, des)

Exercice 7. Grammaire. Les prépositions de lieu

Do these 4 exercises on TV5 Monde. Watch the video and complete the activities. Take screenshots of your attempts as you go so you don’t need to create an account to see your results.

🔵Exercice 8. S’orienter. Exprimer un lieu

You may also use www.vocaroo.com to create and download a voice recording. When you are finished simply copy and paste the link into your deliverables.

Exercice 9. Les adjectifs démonstratifs

Exercice 10. Changez la phrase



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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 102 Copyright © 2022 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.