
Module 05: Bon appétit!

Troisième partie: L’art de la table ! Les exercices

Les Exercices

Man Sitting on Top of the Building While Looking the Overview in Morocco.
Photo by Zakaria Boumliha.

Exercice 1. Les verbes en -ir

Exercice 2. Vrai ou faux ?

Décidez si les phrases suivantes sont vraies ou fausses.


Exercice 3. Les verbes en -ir

Exercice 4. Boire, croire, voir

Exercice 5. Boire ou manger

Sort the food items into the appropriate category.

Exercice 6. Les interrogatifs

Exercice 7. Le couvert

🔵 Exercice 8. How to describe food.

Use the memory game below to match each adjective to describe food with the corresponding image.


Salt icon by Freepik.  Sugar icon by Freepik.  Lemon icon by Atif Arshad.  Grilled icon by tulpahn.  Ground meat icon by Nikita Golubev.

🔵 Exercice 9. Le Ramadan


For this activity, you will read a short informational text about Ramadan and interpret the poster to the left.

Click HERE to access the Google Document.

Image by Fayz Marz, Twitter.







🔵 Exercice 10. Je te conseille…

Le Salon menu
Le salon menu image via La Mosquée de Paris included under the basis of fair use as described in the CBPFUOER.

You have just visited the Salon de thé at the Grande Mosquée in Paris, and your friend is going next week.  Review the menu HERE.  Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the menu.  Make a voice recording using the recorder below or with vocaroo.com and recommend 3 things your friend should try and why.  Your reasons why must be different for each item recommended.  Don’t forget the expression “je te conseille” and the connecting words “parce que.”



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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 102 Copyright © 2022 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.