
Module 05: Bon appétit!

Troisième partie: L’art de la table ! Vocabulaire


Le VocabulaireIt’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section!

Long Table With Pink Candles On Top
Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy
à table at the table
une tasse a cup
un bol a bowl
une assiette a plate
une fourchette a fork
une cuillère a spoon
un verre a glass
la cuisine the kitchen, cooking
boire to drink
je bois I drink
tu bois you drink
il boit he drinks
elle boit she drinks
iel boit they drink
nous buvons we drink
vous buvez you drink
ils boivent they drink
elles boivent they drink
iels boivent they drink
dîner to have dinner
faire le marché to go grocery shopping
faire la cuisine to cook
prendre un repas to have a meal
grossir to gain weight
faire un régime to go on a diet
maigrir to lose weight
grandir to grow
obéir à to obey
réfléchir à to think about
réussir à to succeed at
croire to believe
je crois I believe
tu crois you believe
il croit he believes
elle croit she believes
iel croit they believe
nous croyons we believe
vous croyez you believe
ils croient they believe
elles croient they believe
iels croient they believe
avoir soif to be thirsty
avoir faim to be hungry
choisir to choose
je choisis I choose
tu choisis you choose
il choisit he chooses
elle choisit she chooses
iel choisit they choose
nous choisissons we choose
vous choisissez you choose
ils choisissent they choose
elles choisissent they choose
iels choisissent they choose
finir to finish
je finis I finish
tu finis you finish
il finit he finishes
elle finit she finishes
iel finit they finish
nous finissons we finish
vous finissez you finish
ils finissent they finish
elles finissent they finish
iels finissent they finish
voir to see
je vois I see
tu vois you see
il voit he sees
elle voit she sees
iel voit they see
nous voyons we see
vous voyez you see
ils voient they see
elles voient they see
iels voient they see
délicieux, délicieuse delicious
dégoûtant, dégoûtante disgusting
frais, fraîche fresh
épicé.e spicy
grillé.e grilled
hâché.e chopped
salé.e salty
sucré.e sweet
aigre sour
qui who
quoi what
quand when
pourquoi why
comment how
Qu'est ce que c'est? What is it?

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section!

Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!



Vocabulary Practice

Directions: Using your vocabulary knowledge, match the following steps to their correct order when making a meal


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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 102 Copyright © 2022 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.