Module 05: Bon appétit!
Troisième partie: L’art de la table ! Vocabulaire
It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section!

à table | at the table |
une tasse | a cup |
un bol | a bowl |
une assiette | a plate |
une fourchette | a fork |
une cuillère | a spoon |
un verre | a glass |
la cuisine | the kitchen, cooking |
boire | to drink |
je bois | I drink |
tu bois | you drink |
il boit | he drinks |
elle boit | she drinks |
iel boit | they drink |
nous buvons | we drink |
vous buvez | you drink |
ils boivent | they drink |
elles boivent | they drink |
iels boivent | they drink |
dîner | to have dinner |
faire le marché | to go grocery shopping |
faire la cuisine | to cook |
prendre un repas | to have a meal |
grossir | to gain weight |
faire un régime | to go on a diet |
maigrir | to lose weight |
grandir | to grow |
obéir à | to obey |
réfléchir à | to think about |
réussir à | to succeed at |
croire | to believe |
je crois | I believe |
tu crois | you believe |
il croit | he believes |
elle croit | she believes |
iel croit | they believe |
nous croyons | we believe |
vous croyez | you believe |
ils croient | they believe |
elles croient | they believe |
iels croient | they believe |
avoir soif | to be thirsty |
avoir faim | to be hungry |
choisir | to choose |
je choisis | I choose |
tu choisis | you choose |
il choisit | he chooses |
elle choisit | she chooses |
iel choisit | they choose |
nous choisissons | we choose |
vous choisissez | you choose |
ils choisissent | they choose |
elles choisissent | they choose |
iels choisissent | they choose |
finir | to finish |
je finis | I finish |
tu finis | you finish |
il finit | he finishes |
elle finit | she finishes |
iel finit | they finish |
nous finissons | we finish |
vous finissez | you finish |
ils finissent | they finish |
elles finissent | they finish |
iels finissent | they finish |
voir | to see |
je vois | I see |
tu vois | you see |
il voit | he sees |
elle voit | she sees |
iel voit | they see |
nous voyons | we see |
vous voyez | you see |
ils voient | they see |
elles voient | they see |
iels voient | they see |
délicieux, délicieuse | delicious |
dégoûtant, dégoûtante | disgusting |
frais, fraîche | fresh |
épicé.e | spicy |
grillé.e | grilled |
hâché.e | chopped |
salé.e | salty |
sucré.e | sweet |
aigre | sour |
qui | who |
quoi | what |
quand | when |
où | where |
pourquoi | why |
comment | how |
Qu'est ce que c'est? | What is it? |
It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section!
Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!