Module 07: Les fêtes
What are some French and Francophone holidays and traditions?

Module 7 Learning Outcomes:
I can…
- talk about my favorite holiday(s)
- talk about French and Francophone holidays and traditions
- answer questions using object pronouns
- say what I (or someone) used to do at a certain period of life
- talk about childhood memories
You will listen to and read the lyrics for a popular French song about the past and interpret what the author says about a time period, culture, etc.
You and your partner are from different cities. You want to get to know them better so you ask them about their life before Boise State, specifically when they were younger. You want to know if they were similar or different from you. Ask them about a specific time period in their childhood and about their favorite holiday. Tell them about yours.
Your family is having a reunion and you’ve been asked to contribute several photos to the family album. You will create captions that describe each photo in detail (in the past).
21st Century Skills:
- Familiarize yourself with and utilize tools for this course such as Pressbooks and Vocaroo.
- Use digital technology tools to communicate your ideas.
- Articulate your thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
- Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others.