
Module 15- La planète

Deuxième partie: Notre empreinte, le vocabulaire

Le Vocabulaire

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash.

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section! Below this vocabulary list, you’ll find interactive flashcards, spelling practice, and a practice activity to test your knowledge.

l'empreinte carbone(f.) carbon footprint
le réchauffement climatique global warming
lutter contre le réchauffement climatique combat climate change
la marée noire oil spill(age)
l'effet de serre greenhouse effect
le gaz à effet de serre greenhouse gas
les émissions emissions
la pollution pollution
la contamination contamination
gaspiller to waste
des déchets toxiques toxic waste
le gaspillage waste
la surpopulation overpopulation
une usine factory
un emballage en plastique plastic wrapping/packaging
la pluie acide acid rain
des ordures (f.) trash/waste
jeter to throw away
le déboisement deforestation
un incendie de forêt forest fire
l'espèce (f) en voie d'extinction endangered species
l'extinction extinction
la préservation preservation
une réssource naturelle natural resource
le trou dans la couche d'ozone hole in the ozone
un combustible fossile fossil fuel
le dioxyde de carbone carbon dioxide
la température moyenne average temperature
un glacier glacier
la révolution industrielle industrial revolution
fondre to melt
les activités humaines human activities
l'élevage the raising of livestock
l'augmentation du niveau de la mer increase in sea levels
se réchauffer to warm up
disparaître to disappear
la surconsummation overconsumption
un produit jetable disposible product
à usage unique single use
les déchets ménagers household waste
le gaspillage alimentaire food waste
le nuage de pollution smog
la neutralité carbone carbon neutrality
le puits de carbone carbon sink
émettre to emit
atteindre attain/achieve/meet
le charbon coal
l'énergie renouvelable renewable energy
subvenir aux besoins de (qqn./qqch.) support someone/something

Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!






Les exercices de l'intelligence artificielle. Two digitally illustrated green playing cards on a white background, with the letters A and I in capitals and lowercase calligraphy over modified photographs of human mouths in profile.
Alina Constantin / Better Images of AI / Handmade A.I / CC-BY 4.0

Reviewing vocabulary words in context helps us to better understand how they are used in real conversation or writing by native speakers. Taking the time to review these examples can increase your understanding of its uses! In this exercise, you will use two tools to review five words or phrases of your choice from this section’s vocabulary list.


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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 202 Copyright © 2023 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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