
Module 13- L’amour et l’argent

Première Partie: L’argent, le vocabulaire

Le Vocabulaire

Building of the Savings Bank of Beaune
Bâtiment de la caisse d’épargne Beaune Côte-d’Or Bourgogne-Franche-Comté by Pierre André Leclercq is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International license.

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section! Below this vocabulary list, you’ll find interactive flashcards, spelling practice, and additional practice to test your knowledge.

une banque a bank
une caisse d'épargne savings and loan association
un compte (bancaire) (bank) account
un distributeur (automatique de billets) ATM
un guichet automatique ATM
l'euro (m) euro (currency)
un héritage inheritance
les dépenses (f) expenses
les impôts (m pl) taxes
les dettes (f pl) debts
des actions (f pl) stocks
un portefeuille portfolio/wallet
généreux / généreuse generous
dépensier / dépensière spendthrift
radin / radine [slang] miserly/stingy
économe economical/frugal
bon marché / pas cher / pas chère inexpensive
être en solde to be on sale
un prix intéressant a good price
cher / chère expensive
être fauché(e) [slang] to be broke
être aisé(e) to be well off
satisfait(e) satisfied/fulfilled

Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!






Additional Practice

These additional practices activities were generated using ChatGPT and modified by Boise State French OER using the following prompts:

“Please create a short story using these vocabulary words in French: une banque, une caisse d’épargne, un compte (bancaire), un distributeur (automatique de billets), un guichet automatique, l’euro (m), un héritage, les dépenses (f), les impôts (m pl), les dettes (f pl), des actions (f pl), un portefeuille, généreux / généreuse, dépensier / dépensière, radin / radine [slang], économe, bon marché / pas cher, être en solde, un prix intéressant, cher / chère, être fauché(e) [slang], être aisé(e), satisfait(e), des sous, un pognon, des achats

“Please create a review quiz using these vocabulary words in French: same as list above.



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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 202 Copyright © 2023 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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