Module 16- L’art et l’expression
Première, Partie: Les arts numériques, le vocabulaire
It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section! Below this vocabulary list, you’ll find interactive flashcards, spelling practice, and a practice activity to test your knowledge.
les jeux vidéo | Video games |
l'esport | E-sports |
le sport électronique | E-sports |
un mème | a meme |
un PNJ (personnage non jouable) | NPC (non playable character) |
un streamer | a streamer |
un youtuber | a Youtuber |
la musique | music |
le rap | rap |
le hip-hop | hiphop |
le RNB | RNB |
le country | country |
le rock | rock |
le pop | pop |
la musique électronique | electronic music |
une tube | a hit |
la chanson | song |
le clip | music video |
la voix | voice |
la mélodie | melody |
le rythme | rythm |
le/la chanteur.euse | singer |
les paroles | lyrics |
entraînant.e | catchy |
dynamique | dynamic |
répétitif.ive | repetitive |
doué.e | talented |
touchant.e | touching |
dépassé.e | outdated |
dansant.e | danceable |
le graphisme | graphic design |
une PAO (publication assisté par ordinateur) | Desktop Publishing System |
un DAO (dessin assisté par ordinateur) | Computer-Aided Design (CAD) |
l'identité visuelle | visual design/identity |
le logotype (logo) | logotype, logo |
un baseline | a slogan |
une planche de tendance | a mood board |
l'identité de marque | brand identity |
à la française | portrait |
à l'italienne | landscape |
Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!