
Module 15- La planète

Troisième partie : Espoir pour l’avenir, le vocabulaire

le vocabulaire graphic

Woman recycling a metal can in a container, accent mark added to e in metal
Image via Pexels

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section! Below this vocabulary list, you’ll find interactive flashcards, spelling practice, and a practice activity to test your knowledge.

abolir to abolish
améliorer to make better
déveloper to develop
préserver to preserve
prévenir l'incendie to avoid forest fires
proposer une solution to propose a solution
sauver la planète to save the planet
écologique ecological
pur.e pure
un gouvernement a government
une loi a law
l'écotourisme (m.) ecotourism
la préservation preservation
une ressource naturelle a natural resource
le sauvetage des habitats naturels preservation of natural habitats
recycler to recycle
polluer to pollute
conserver to conserve
consommer to consume
menacer to threaten
produire to produce
protéger to protect
réduire to reduce
réutiliser to reuse
Il est important que… It's important that...
Il est necessaire que... It's necessary that...
Il faut que… It's necessary that...
Prenez garde à… beware of
Méfiez-vous de… be wary of/ beware of
Il est interdit de …. It's banned/not allowed
à cause de… because of...
faire le tri des déchets to sort waste

Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!






Vocabulary Practice


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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 202 Copyright © 2023 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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