
Français inclusif Curricular Table of Contents

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Title Essential Question Can-Do Statements, I can... Vocabulary Themes Grammar Topics
Module 01: Bonjour! How can I interact with others from francophone cultures? - greet someone and ask how they are
- introduce myself (or someone else)
- tell someone what I study (or what someone else studies)
- describe a classroom
- tell someone where I am from (or where someone else is from)
- spell my name
- readily recognize and use the numbers from 1 to 69
- tell someone the date of my birthday
- say good-bye to someone
les salutations, les números, la salle de classe Pronoms personnels sujets / Subject Pronouns, Le verbe “être” / The Verb “to be”, Gender / genre: masculin, féminin, L’alphabet et la phonétique, les nūmeros, Introduction aux noms / Introduction to Nouns, Les articles définis/ Determiners: Definite Articles, Les articles indéfinis / Determiners: Indefinite Articles, “Voilà” vs “il y a” / “There is” and “There are”
Module 02: Me voici! How does my university experience compare and contrast to students from francophone cultures? - ask questions to gather information about someone else
- describe my family
- name the days of the week
- name the months of the year
- tell someone about my nationality, and the nationalities of others
- talk about my pastime(s)
- talk about my family members’ pastime(s)
- tell what my family members do (professions, studies, etc.)
- talk about pastimes that I do not like
- tell time (in official and non-official time)
l'identité / les questions personnelles, la famille et les amis, les passe-temps, l'heure le verbe avoir, forming questions, basic negation, la nationalité, possessive determiners, introduction to adjectives, placement of adjectives, introduction aux adverbes, expressions avec avoir, verbes (ER), l'heure
Module 03: Les vacances How do people from Francophone cultures take time away from their busy lives to relax and explore the world? - talk about the weather
- discuss which season I prefer and why
- discuss a French-speaking destination I would like to visit and why
- talk about where I like to go and what I like to do on vacation
- tell someone about my favorite pastimes and activities
- tell someone what types of activities one can enjoy in different types of weather, and in various places
- tell someone what I generally do on the weekends
- tell someone what I am going to do next weekend
le temps / les saisons / les chiffres 70 à 100, la géographie / les points cardinaux, les activités, L'Hexagone et les destinations francophones le verbe faire, la météo, prépositions géographiques, les points cardinaux, au vs. dans, carte vs. plan, le verbe aller, le futur proche, les verbes, verbs in -ER stem changing
Module 04: L'identité How do we describe people and daily routines? - give a physical description of myself and others
- describe my personality and the personality of others
- describe my daily routine, or typical day
- compare and contrast someone’s daily activities with my own
- list ideal traits for roles like a roommate, travel partner, study buddy, running partner, etc.
le portrait physique, les personnalités, la routine quotidienne les couleurs et les adjectifs, les articles définis, le portrait physique – avoir, les pronoms non-binaires, adjectives to describe personality, irregular adjective patterns, BANGS – adjective placement, c’est vs. il/elle/iel est, la comparaison, des verbes pronominaux
Module 05: Bon appétit! Where do Francophones buy their food and how do they like it prepared? - say what I (or someone else) have for each meal of the day
- say which food or drinks I (or someone else) like and/or don't like
- say which food or drinks I (or someone else) eat and/or drink often
- say which food or drinks I (or someone else) don’t or never eat and/or drink
- identify popular foods eaten by Francophones
- express quantities
- ask questions on a variety of topics
achetons de la nourriture!, au café/ au restaurant, l'art de la table partitive articles, expressions of quantity, questions with subject/verb inversion, le verbe prendre – to take (irregular verb), -ir verbs (regular) present tense, boire, croire, voir, interrogative words: où, quand, comment…,
Module 06: La ville What is life like in three Francophone cities? - find my way in a city
- describe the location of various places in a city
- describe places in 3 Francophone cities (Montréal, Dakar and Pau)
- say what I (or someone else) did on a past day/past weekend
- say what I (or someone else) did during a trip
- ask for and give directions in a new city
Montréal, Dakar, se déplacer à Pau Regular -re verbs, contractions of à and de with definite articles, demonstrative determiners, uses of the passé composé, formation of the passé composé, negation of the passé composé, the passé composé with être, irregular past participles, review of -ER and -RE verb conjugations, nombres ordinaux,
Module 07: Les fêtes What are some French and Francophone holidays and traditions? - talk about my favorite holiday(s)
- talk about French and Francophone holidays and traditions
- answer questions using object pronouns
- say what I (or someone) used to do at a certain period of life
- talk about childhood memories
le printemps et l'été, l'automne, l'hiver imparfait – formation, imparfait – idiomatic uses, direct object pronouns – forms and uses, direct object pronouns, placement, direct object pronouns – agreement with the past participle, indirect object pronouns
Module 08: Chez moi What makes a home? - describe where I live
- describe a few characteristics of homes in francophone countries
- give people simple commands
- talk about my daily routine in the past
- talk about household chores, what I do or do not like to do
à la maison, des tâches ménagères, la fête adjectives to describe a home, the pronoun y, les pronoms toniques & “chez”, formation of the imperative, irregular imperatives, imperative of pronominal verbs, negative commands, pronoun object with imperative, formation of the imperative, irregular imperatives, imperative of pronominal verbs, negative commands, pronoun object with imperative, passé composé of pronominal verbs, the pronoun “en”

Module 09: Les Médias et communications How do you communicate and stay in touch with others? - talk about my communication preferences
- talk about the frequency with which I access media
- talk about how I communicate with others using digital tools
- narrate a simple story in the past
- summarize the plot of a show, movie or episode I consumed
la presse, la télévision et la radio, les réseaux sociaux relative pronouns que et qui, lire – to read, narration: passé composé vs. imparfait, nuances of negation, le verbe dire, narrating things in the past, irregular verb: écrire
Module 10: Mode, forme, et santé What do you do to stay healthy? - talk about my health and well being
- talk about hobbies I (or others) do to maintain health and well being
- describe clothing and various styles of dress
- ask a variety of questions to obtain simple information (what, who, why, when, where, etc.)
les vêtements, la Santé et le bien-être, les passe-temps mettre, impersonal expressions with weather, vouloir, impersonal verbs and expressions, interrogative pronouns, le verbe devoir, disjunctive pronouns, le verbe pouvoir
Module 11: Les études What am I studying and why? - talk about my education and life at Boise State.
- talk about Francophone schools universities.
- talk about things I or others need to do.
- give simple advice on familiar topics (courses, study habit, university life, etc.).
- talk about what I or others will do in the future.
A Nantes, Au Québec, En Guyane le futur simple (formation), le futur simple (uses), savoir vs. connaître, irregular -re: suivre, irregular futur: être et les autres, irregular -re: vivre, irregular futur: avoir, irregular futur: verbs with spelling changes
Module 12: La vie professionnelle Where might my professional path take me? - talk about professions
- talk about working conditions in various Francophone countries
- talk about the most important and least important skills for the workplace
- make simple comparisons about potential jobs
- discuss the best and worst places to work
- talk about my future career plan and goals
- form hypotheses about my future
le monde du travil, les métiers, les compétences le conditionnel, si clauses with the conditional, les verbes du monde du travail, bon/bien, meilleur/mieux, aussi bon, aussi, bien, le meilleur, le mieux – superlative forms, adverbs: formation and placement, comparative and superlative of adverbs
Module 13: L'amour et l'argent What are the roles of money and love in our daily lives and how do we balance them to meet our needs? -make a budget for myself and others
- talk about relationships
- find a place a live using francophone resources
- understand the main elements of a lease
- talk about my ideal partner and friends
- understand budget advice
- talk about what I would/could/should do in a variety of situations
- collaborate with others using technology to create budgeting resources
l'argent, le nid, l’amour et l’amitié review : le conditionnel – formation, le conditionnel – irregular “stems”, review : le futur simple
Module 14: Les voyages et les transports How do people in the Francophone World travel and get around? - explain a problem related to my car or bike
- research and purchase a plane ticket from a variety of vendors
- interact with others to meet my needs when resolving travel complications
- complete an application for a variety of transportation passes
- find and take a train to a specific destination
- organize public transportation for short distances
- understand a voice message about changes to my transportation
- choose environmentally responsible travel
- plan a volunteer exchange while traveling in a Francophone country
- discuss the impact of sustainable transportation and travel
- give travel advice
les transports, se déplacer en ville, découvrir le monde le subjonctif, le subjonctif – irregulier, comparative of nouns, superlative of nouns, irregular subjunctive – “faire” and “conduire”, le conditionnel passé, plus-que-parfait, si clauses + PQP
Module 15: La planète How can we protect our planet? - understand how natural disasters impact people and our planet.
- advise someone on how to prepare for extreme weather.
- talk about factors that influence climate change.
- give a basic description of the science behind climate change.
- talk about what needs to be done to combat climate issues.
- make an argument for change.
- understand how humans and their activities affect our climate.
- compare the ways in which different countries address climate change.
- talk about actions that improve the health of our planet.
La planète qui change, notre empreinte, espoir pour l'avenir le subjonctif – irregular formations, le subjonctif – obligation, le subjonctif – other expressionsle conditionnel passé, relative pronouns – que and qui – review, relative pronoun – dont, relative pronoun – où, interrogative pronoun and relative pronoun – lequel, subjunctive usage: obligation, subjunctive usage: doubt and uncertainty, subjunctive usage: will, emotion, and desire, conjunctions that take the subjunctive
Module 16: L'art et l'expression How is art created and perceived in the Francophone world? - talk about my opinion on art
- compare and contrast different works of art
- in my own and other cultures, I can compare how traditions and events influence music and art
- talk about similarities and differences between art and music festivals with a peer (from another culture)
- in my own and other cultures I can tell why people think differently about entertainment, social media and literature
- compare video game preferences with a peer in the target culture
- talk about the art products that I consume and why
- talk about how the arts influence my life
Les arts numériques, arts visuels, le spectacle Conjunctions that take the subjunctive, Past subjunctive, Ways to avoid the subjunctive, ce qui, ce que
ce dont, ce + preposition + quoi, Le discours direct, Le discours indirect, Le temps en français



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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 202 Copyright © 2023 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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