

     For my wife Jeanne and my sons Elijah and Nathan. They have had to live with the ups and downs of a man who preaches and fights against racism. Passion turns fighters for social justice into passionate warriors. Living with passionate warriors isn’t always an easy task. 


Thanks To:

My former writing mentors William C. Anderson (BAT21) & Kent C. Anderson (Night Dogs). I’ve always thought it odd that neither William C. nor Kent C. are related. Nor am I related to either one of them. Regardless of the last name coincidence, they both taught me a lot about writing. 

I would also like to thank Bob Casper and Frederick Lincoln Johnson for helping me bring this book to the finish line.


About the cover:

Quilt design by Jeanne L. Anderson. Cover design and quilt photographs by Elijah L. Anderson.




Praise God, through whom all blessings flow.