
8 Chapter 8 – Non-Governmental Organization’s Work in Guatemala and Risk Communication,

Biofortification of Staple Food Crops

Micronutrient malnutrition affects more than one-half of the world’s population, especially women and preschool children (1). Reaching the Millennium Development Goals (2) to reduce the under-5 child mortality ratio by two-thirds and the maternal mortality ratio by three-quarters between 1990 and 2015 will require additional technologies and approaches to improving nutritional status, which is an important determinant of these mortalities. Biofortification of staple food crops is a new public health approach to control vitamin A, iron, and zinc deficiencies in poor countries. This paper gives a brief overview of this technology and asks 6 key questions: Is breeding for high nutrient content scientifically feasible? Will farmers adopt the new seeds? What is the target breeding level? What is the impact on nutritional status? Is it cost-effective? Will consumers accept the biofortified foods?


Biofortification is the development of micronutrient-dense staple crops using the best traditional breeding practices and modern biotechnology. This approach has multiple advantages. First, it capitalizes on the regular daily intake of a consistent and large amount of food staples by all family members. Because staple foods predominate in the diets of the poor, this strategy implicitly targets low-income households. Second, after the one-time investment to develop seeds that fortify themselves, recurrent costs are low, and germplasm can be shared internationally. This multiplier aspect of plant breeding across time and distance makes it cost-effective. Third, once in place, the biofortified crop system is highly sustainable. Nutritionally improved varieties will continue to be grown and consumed year after year, even if government attention and international funding for micronutrient issues fade. Fourth, biofortification provides a feasible means of reaching undernourished populations in relatively remote rural areas, delivering naturally fortified foods to people with limited access to commercially marketed fortified foods that are more readily available in urban areas. Biofortification and commercial fortification, therefore, are highly complementary. Finally, breeding for higher trace mineral density in seeds will not incur a yield penalty (3,4). In fact, biofortification may have important spin-off effects for increasing farm productivity in developing countries in an environmentally beneficial way. Mineral-packed seeds sell themselves to farmers because these trace minerals are essential in helping plants resist disease and other environmental stresses. Moreover, a higher proportion of seedlings survive, initial growth is more rapid, and ultimately yields are higher.

Biofortification requires that agricultural research make direct linkages with the human health and nutrition sectors (5). This requires a multidisciplinary research approach, a willingness among scientists to communicate across disciplinary boundaries, and innovative funding strategies to support the research and ultimate dissemination of the biofortified seeds. In the HarvestPlus biofortification program, the major functional activities include plant breeding at the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research centers and National Agricultural Research and Extension Services for common bean, cassava, maize, rice, sweet potato, and wheat to develop varieties that combine the best nutritional and agronomic traits in each crop; food science and human nutrition research to measure the retention of nutrients in processing and cooking, screening of promising lines for micronutrient bioavailability, and efficacy studies involving human subjects to evaluate nutritional impact of the most promising lines intended for release; application of novel advances in biotechnology, genomics, genetics, and molecular biology to identify and understand plant biosynthetic genes and pathways of nutritional importance, including those for nutrient absorption enhancers and inhibitors, as breeding for these may also be a viable option; applying the above knowledge in marker-assisted selection for conventional breeding of crops and in the initial development (but not release) of transgenic lines; impact and policy research to 1) target regions where biofortification will have the greatest benefit and measurement of program impact and to 2) understand economic and social factors that determine the dietary quality of the poor and their micronutrient status, as well as policy advocacy based on that research; reaching and fully engaging the end users through improving seed dissemination systems, market and product development, and demand creation; and coordinated communication activities to provide support to internal project collaborators and external audiences, including donors, the academic and development communities, public officials, and the general media.

Is breeding for high nutrient content scientifically feasible?

The potential to increase the micronutrient density of staple foods by conventional breeding exists (3,4,6): adequate genetic variation in concentrations of β-carotene, other functional carotenoids, iron, zinc, and other minerals exists among cultivars, making selection of nutritionally appropriate breeding materials possible. Also, micronutrient-density traits are stable across environments. In all crops studied, it is possible to combine the high-micronutrient-density trait with high yield, unlike protein content and yield, which are negatively correlated; the genetic control is simple enough to make breeding economic. Therefore, it will be possible to improve the content of several limiting micronutrients together, thus pushing populations toward nutritional balance.

To date, orange-flesh sweet potato lines with high levels of β-carotene (over 200 μg/g) have been identified, and beans with improved agronomic traits and grain type and 50–70% more iron have been bred through conventional means. Because of regulatory and political restrictions on the use of transgenic approaches, and because significant progress can be made through conventional breeding, 85% of HarvestPlus resources are currently devoted to conventional breeding. Transgenic approaches are in some cases necessary and, in some cases, potentially advantageous compared with conventional breeding. The best-known example is Golden Rice; β-carotene has not been identified in the endosperm of any rice variety, and an advanced transgenic line containing 37 μg/g carotenoid, of which 31 μg/g is β-carotene, is now available (7).

Ongoing transgenic research is exploring the use of an endosperm-specific promoter to deposit iron within the endosperm of rice so that it is not milled away (8). This approach is necessary because most of the iron in rice grains is deposited in the aleurone layer, which is removed when rice is milled to produce polished rice, a practice widely used in many countries (9).

Can we get farmers to adopt? Will yields and profitability be compromised?

To work, the biofortification strategy requires widespread adoption by farmers. Farmers’ criteria for changing varieties include food and income security, risk factors that are balanced against increased farm revenue through increased production or improved production efficiency and economics as a consequence of adopting a new technology. Added economic value from improved end-use quality is also likely to be essential for adoption. This means that crop- and environment-specific traits relevant to adoption have to be considered in the breeding strategy for biofortified crops and end-product definition. For example, seed zinc concentration in wheat is closely related with stand establishment and final grain yield in zinc-deficient soils (10).

Two factors are critical to farmer adoption, namely whether the trait is visible and infrastructural development. The former includes color changes associated with high provitamin A concentrations or changes in dry matter content. Adoption of biofortified crops with visible traits will require that both producers and consumers actively accept the sensory change in addition to equivalent productivity and end-use features. Crops with invisible traits, such as higher concentrations of iron or zinc, do not require behavior change per se because the augmented levels will not result in sensory changes. Thus, productivity and improved end-use features such as flour quality are very important. In terms of infrastructure development, in Asia, for example, market networks and information flow operate reasonably efficiently, and once a new improved variety is released, it is rapidly taken up, as evidenced in the Green Revolution. In contrast, infrastructure in Africa is poor. Consequently, significant assistance will be needed to determine, understand, and identify the actions needed to overcoming constraints to farmer adoption. This will include the use of farmer participatory breeding methods to identify the locally adapted biofortified genotypes that best suit producer–consumer needs, ensuring good access to planting material through the development of seed systems and the development of markets for both the harvested biofortified crop(s) and any processed products made from them, such as complementary foods.

What is the target breeding level?

The critical information needed to set the target breeding level and thus determine the likely contribution to nutritional status is retention of the nutrient following processing and cooking, bioconversion/bioavailability, and nutrient requirements. HarvestPlus is currently collecting data on all these parameters, and data for provitamin A in sweet potato are used here for illustrative purposes. True retention of β-carotene in medium-sized orange-fleshed sweet potato, variety Resisto, was 88–92% for medium-sized roots of similar size and 70–80% when roots of different sizes were boiled together (11); thus, an average of 80% is assumed. The accepted bioconversion rate for β-carotene to retinol is 12:1, and the vitamin A estimated average requirements (EARs) for children are 210 μg retinol activity equivalents (RAE)/d for 1- to 3-y-olds and 275 μg RAE/d for 4- to 8-y-olds (12), and an average of 250 RAE/d is assumed. An average of 500 μg RAE/d is assumed for all other age groups.

In setting the target level, a liberal or conservative contribution can be assumed, depending on whether people are dependent on sweet potato as their sole source of β-carotene or if they eat a mixed diet. In the former case, sweet potato will have to supply 100% of the EAR, whereas 50% can be used for the latter. Unpublished data suggest it is possible for children and women to consume up to 200 g and 400 g sweet potato each day, respectively. Assuming these daily intake levels need to supply 100% of the EAR, the target breeding level will be 75 μg/g β-carotene. To provide 50% of the EAR requires 37 μg/g β-carotene. Varieties having 100 μg/g β-carotene at harvest exist. However, they tend to have a low dry matter, and African consumers prefer sweet potato with a high dry matter (13).

What is the impact on nutritional status?

Orange-fleshed sweet potato varieties that are naturally rich in β-carotene can be an excellent food source of provitamin A. A randomized controlled study showed that feeding β-carotene-rich sweet potato, which provided about 830 μg RAE/100 g cooked root, to primary school children improved vitamin A liver stores as measured by the modified relative dose-response test (14).

To prove the concept that high-iron rice can improve the iron status of women of reproductive age, a double-blind intervention study was carried out in the Philippines. Undermilled iron-enhanced rice, which provided an additional 1.41 mg of iron/d, representing a 17% increase in dietary iron in the diets of these women, was efficacious in improving serum ferritin concentrations and body iron levels in nonanemic subjects compared with the locally used rice (15).

How cost-effective is the biofortification strategy?

The principal cost components for biofortification relate to the research needed to develop biofortified varieties and implementation. Because an international agricultural research system is in place to develop modern varieties of staple foodstuffs, the research costs are essentially the incremental costs of enhancing micronutrient density. These research costs are likely to be the single largest cost component of biofortification and are a one-time investment, incurred at the outset. It is estimated that costs associated with plant breeding will average about $400,000 per year per crop over a 10-y period, globally. Once biofortified varieties have been developed, in-country trials and local adaptation research costs are incurred, after which routine maintenance breeding to ensure the trait remains stable is put in place. Where systems for dissemination of modern varieties are in place, such as in South Asia, implementation costs are nil or negligible. Where such systems are underdeveloped, as in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, additional costs are incurred in establishing seed multiplication and delivery systems and creating both markets and consumer demand.

Quantification of the potential health benefits of biofortification has been done using the Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY) framework (16), in which the current burden of micronutrient malnutrition is quantified as the number of DALYs lost. The percentage reduction in this burden that can be attributable to biofortification is computed by considering current intake levels of the staple food, the additional amount of micronutrient it is likely to contain, and the percentage of the population that will consume the biofortified food. Placing a dollar value on DALY benefits is always problematic, and a uniform but arbitrary $500 and $1000 per DALY to value benefits have been used by HarvestPlus. This represents the range limits of per capita incomes in most of the developing world.

Applying the above cost-benefit framework to HarvestPlus target crops and countries suggests that the benefits far outweigh the costs; biofortification is a worthwhile investment even where the calculated benefits do not include the enhanced incomes that may result after adopting agronomically superior biofortified varieties. For example, the dissemination of β-carotene-enhanced orange-fleshed sweet potato in Uganda is likely to cost less than US$5 per DALY saved, assuming coverage is between 25% and 50% (David Yanggen, International Potato Center, personal communication, May 2005). Vitamin A supplementation is estimated to cost US$12 per DALY saved, but this assumes a 75% coverage rate (17).

Can we get consumers to adopt?

The success of HarvestPlus is dependent on biofortified crops being available to consumers in a sustainable manner; thus, biofortified crops must be incorporated into existing marketing chains or new market opportunities developed. To achieve this, the HarvestPlus strategy centers on facilitating the dissemination of biofortified varieties and creating the demand for these varieties by linking producers and consumers through product and market development. The strategy focuses on engaging and developing the capacity of users (producers, consumers, and processors/retailers) and diffusers (people in organizations and institutions that interact directly with enablers to move a technology to implementation) to adopt the new technology and, at the same time, transfer knowledge to and create awareness of the new technology among enablers (people working in organizations and institutions who can create a favorable environment for the adoption, dissemination, and increased consumption of biofortified crop varieties).

Diagnostic research is planned to identify how communication tools can be used to enhance behavior change in terms of increased consumption of the biofortified crop, after which basic strategies will be developed to initiate or build on desired behavior changes at different levels in the production-marketing-consumption chain. For example, to what extent does awareness need to be raised to change knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about the role of, for example, orange-fleshed sweet potato to control vitamin A deficiency? Do practices need to be altered or new skills taught? Do people need to be motivated or provided with encouragement or reenforcement? Parameters for active behavior change will differ according to crop and target area, depending on whether and to what extent the trait is visible, as this may influence acceptance. Yellow corn, for example, is available in maize-growing countries in Africa, but there is a well-established strong cultural consumer preference for white maize for human consumption. If crops are new or nontraditional, color preferences are frequently not established. For crops with invisible traits, informing the consumer that new and nutritionally improved varieties are available will be important to avoid misperceptions that their food has been altered in an unauthorized or unacceptable way for nonnutritional purposes without their knowledge.


Based on micronutrient deficiency rates, there is compelling evidence that biofortification can be a key objective for plant breeders, in addition to the traditional objectives of disease resistance, yield, drought tolerance, etc. Scientific evidence shows that biofortification is technically feasible. Breeding for a micronutrient concentration that can have biological impact, without compromising agronomic traits, has been demonstrated for crops such as sweet potato. Predictive cost-benefit analyses have shown biofortification to be important in the armamentarium for controlling micronutrient deficiencies. The challenge is to get consumer acceptance for biofortified crops, thereby increasing the intake of the target nutrients. With the advent of good seed systems, the development of markets and products, and demand creation, this can become a reality.[1]

Semilla Nueva[2]

Semilla Nueva works alongside farmers, scientists and the government to develop and expand the use of biofortified crops in Guatemala. Since 2016, we’ve been funding its work to test, advance and scale the consumption of biofortified corn as an effective way to improve the nutrition of Guatemalan people. It now aims to change 800,000 people’s diets by 2023, through partnerships, public policies and commercial sales.


Extensive work has gone into encouraging rural Guatemalan families to replace their staple corn tortillas with more nutritious food. However, corn remains the cheapest to buy, the easiest to grow and the foundation of their culture. Sadly, half of all children aged under five suffer from chronic malnutrition.


Semilla Nueva produces and sells biofortified corn seeds, which have been conventionally bred to contain higher levels of quality protein and zinc. This aims to improve the nutrition of millions of Guatemalans.

Semilla Nueva adopts the standard agribusiness distribution model of Central America, selling seeds to distributors who then sell to agro-dealers, who in turn sell to farmers. This model is the most effective and scalable way of reaching small maize farmers in Guatemala.

At policy level, Semilla Nueva is also working with the Guatemalan government to provide seed companies with a small incentive to sell biofortified seeds at reduced prices to farmers.

Semilla Nueva plans to reach 31,200 farmers with biofortified corn seeds by the end of 2023, resulting in over 800,000 people eating more nutritious corn.


Semilla Nueva reached 9,936 farmers in just one year, and in 2021  2% of all maize seeds sold in Guatemala came from Semilla Nueva’s  biofortified seeds.


A skyrocketing demand for food means that agriculture has become the largest driver of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental destruction. At TEDxTC, Jonathan Foley shows why we desperately need to begin “terraculture”– farming for the whole planet.

Genetically Modified Foods

08.02 Module 08 Discussion Forum GMO FoodsLink to Blackboard Site

In the lecture on Guatemala, Ben talked about the new strain of corn that was developed in Mexico that addresses a micronutrient issue that the Guatemalan people have. This corn was developed using selective breeding of natural varieties of corn. Another option to get the same results is to develop the corn using genetic modification or developing a GMO alternative. For this discussion, you will discuss genetically modified foods and weigh the potential benefits and risks they pose.

Pre-Discussion Work

To begin this assignment, review the materials in the course textbook , particularly the Lecture videos by Ben Simko.

Drafting Your Response

Next, prepare your forum post by creating a Google document. On your document, answer the following questions:

  • Do you believe that using genetically modified foods for addressing the issue of micronutrients is an acceptable means of developing foods? Explain.
  • What, if any, risks might there be in the populations using the foods?
  • If you are shopping for yourself, would you be willing to buy GMO foods for yourself and your family to eat? Why or why not?

Be sure to support your responses by referencing materials from this module. Also, once you have answered the questions, be sure to proofread what you wrote before you share it.

Discussing Your Work

To discuss your findings, follow the steps below:

Step 01. After you have finished writing and proofreading your response, click on the link to your group under the My Groups link in the main menu on the left side of this page.

Step 02. Once in your group, click on the Group Discussion Board link and locate the Module 04 Discussion Forum 2.

Step 03. In the Module 04 Discussion Forum 2, create a new thread and title it using the following format: Yourname’s GMO Foods Post.

Step 04. In the Message field of your post, copy and paste the text of your composition from the Google Document you created– please do not provide a link to that Google Doc.

Step 05. Correct the formatting using the text-editing tools in the Message field. Add bolding, underlining, or italics where necessary. Also, correct any spacing and other formatting issues. Make sure your post looks professional.

Step 06. When you have completed proofreading and fixing your post formatting, click on the Submit button.


The use of GMOs is one of those topics, much like fracking, where there does not seem to be a middle ground and can be a real “hot button issue”.  Below are materials from the World Health Organization related to GMOs.[3]

What are genetically modified (GM) organisms and GM foods?


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. The technology is often called “modern biotechnology” or “gene technology”, sometimes also “recombinant DNA technology” or “genetic engineering”. It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, also between nonrelated species. Foods produced from or using GM organisms are often referred to as GM foods.
Why are GM foods produced?

GM foods are developed – and marketed – because there is some perceived advantage either to the producer or consumer of these foods. This is meant to translate into a product with a lower price, greater benefit (in terms of durability or nutritional value) or both. Initially GM seed developers wanted their products to be accepted by producers and have concentrated on innovations that bring direct benefit to farmers (and the food industry generally).

One of the objectives for developing plants based on GM organisms is to improve crop protection. The GM crops currently on the market are mainly aimed at an increased level of crop protection through the introduction of resistance against plant diseases caused by insects or viruses or through increased tolerance towards herbicides.

Resistance against insects is achieved by incorporating into the food plant the gene for toxin production from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). This toxin is currently used as a conventional insecticide in agriculture and is safe for human consumption. GM crops that inherently produce this toxin have been shown to require lower quantities of insecticides in specific situations, e.g. where pest pressure is high. Virus resistance is achieved through the introduction of a gene from certain viruses which cause disease in plants. Virus resistance makes plants less susceptible to diseases caused by such viruses, resulting in higher crop yields.

Herbicide tolerance is achieved through the introduction of a gene from a bacterium conveying resistance to some herbicides. In situations where weed pressure is high, the use of such crops has resulted in a reduction in the quantity of the herbicides used.

Is the safety of GM foods assessed differently from conventional foods?

Generally consumers consider that conventional foods (that have an established record of safe consumption over the history) are safe. Whenever novel varieties of organisms for food use are developed using the traditional breeding methods that had existed before the introduction of gene technology, some of the characteristics of organisms may be altered, either in a positive or a negative way. National food authorities may be called upon to examine the safety of such conventional foods obtained from novel varieties of organisms, but this is not always the case.

In contrast, most national authorities consider that specific assessments are necessary for GM foods. Specific systems have been set up for the rigorous evaluation of GM organisms and GM foods relative to both human health and the environment. Similar evaluations are generally not performed for conventional foods. Hence there currently exists a significant difference in the evaluation process prior to marketing for these two groups of food.

The WHO Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses aims at assisting national authorities in the identification of foods that should be subject to risk assessment and to recommend appropriate approaches to safety assessment. Should national authorities decide to conduct safety assessment of GM organisms, WHO recommends the use of Codex Alimentarius guidelines

How is a safety assessment of GM food conducted?

The safety assessment of GM foods generally focuses on: (a) direct health effects (toxicity), (b) potential to provoke allergic reaction (allergenicity); (c) specific components thought to have nutritional or toxic properties; (d) the stability of the inserted gene; (e) nutritional effects associated with genetic modification; and (f) any unintended effects which could result from the gene insertion.


What are the main issues of concern for human health?

While theoretical discussions have covered a broad range of aspects, the three main issues debated are the potentials to provoke allergic reaction (allergenicity), gene transfer and outcrossing.


As a matter of principle, the transfer of genes from commonly allergenic organisms to non-allergic organisms is discouraged unless it can be demonstrated that the protein product of the transferred gene is not allergenic. While foods developed using traditional breeding methods are not generally tested for allergenicity, protocols for the testing of GM foods have been evaluated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO. No allergic effects have been found relative to GM foods currently on the market.

Gene transfer

Gene transfer from GM foods to cells of the body or to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract would cause concern if the transferred genetic material adversely affects human health. This would be particularly relevant if antibiotic resistance genes, used as markers when creating GMOs, were to be transferred. Although the probability of transfer is low, the use of gene transfer technology that does not involve antibiotic resistance genes is encouraged.


The migration of genes from GM plants into conventional crops or related species in the wild (referred to as “outcrossing”), as well as the mixing of crops derived from conventional seeds with GM crops, may have an indirect effect on food safety and food security. Cases have been reported where GM crops approved for animal feed or industrial use were detected at low levels in the products intended for human consumption. Several countries have adopted strategies to reduce mixing, including a clear separation of the fields within which GM crops and conventional crops are grown.

Are GM foods safe?

Different GM organisms include different genes inserted in different ways. This means that individual GM foods and their safety should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and that it is not possible to make general statements on the safety of all GM foods.

GM foods currently available on the international market have passed safety assessments and are not likely to present risks for human health. In addition, no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved. Continuous application of safety assessments based on the Codex Alimentarius principles and, where appropriate, adequate post market monitoring, should form the basis for ensuring the safety of GM foods.

What is the state of public debate on GMOs?

The release of GMOs into the environment and the marketing of GM foods have resulted in a public debate in many parts of the world. This debate is likely to continue, probably in the broader context of other uses of biotechnology (e.g. in human medicine) and their consequences for human societies. Even though the issues under debate are usually very similar (costs and benefits, safety issues), the outcome of the debate differs from country to country. On issues such as labelling and traceability of GM foods as a way to address consumer preferences, there is no worldwide consensus to date. Despite the lack of consensus on these topics, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has made significant progress and developed Codex texts relevant to labelling of foods derived from modern biotechnology in 2011 to ensure consistency on any approach on labelling implemented by Codex members with already adopted Codex provisions.

Risk Communication

Crisis communication describes the
process of providing facts to the public about an unexpected emergency, beyond an organization’s control, that involves the organization and requires an immediate response. The crisis may cause harm to an organization’s reputation or viability. Confronted with the uncertainty of this type of situation, crisis communicators must find a way to inform and alert the public about an emergency. The content, form, and timing of crisis communication can either help reduce and contain harm or make the situation worse.

Risk communication provides the community with information about the specific type (good or bad) and magnitude (strong or weak) of an outcome from an exposure or behavior. Typically, risk communication is a discussion of a negative outcome and the probability that the outcomes will occur. Risk communication can be employed to help an individual make a choice about a behavior such as smoking, getting vaccinated, or undergoing a medical treatment.[4]


In both crisis communication and risk communication the words used must be chosen very carefully and with purpose. This is really not the time to be speaking extemporaneously because the words you choose have significant weight and can impact your community’s reactions. Secondly, it is imperative that during the situations that an organization speak with one voice and have the same message. As an example during the recent attack by Russia on the Ukraine, we were told by one member of the current administration that sanctions are not a good deterrent and then another member of the current administration indicated that sanctions are a good deterrent. Such polar opposite statements create significant confusion within the community.


Below is an info graphic that summarizes the key points of crisis communication.

6 priniciples of CERC

To add to this there are Five pitfalls to avoid:

1. Mixed messages from multiple experts as in the case stated above
Information released late as in being 2 hours late for a news briefing
Paternalistic attitudes that talk down to members of the community
Not countering rumors and myths in real-time as in not getting out front of an unfolding event
Public power struggles and confusion as in a state agency asserting authority over a local health department[5]

Mental States in a Crisis

During a disaster, people may experience a wide range of emotions. Psychological barriers can interfere with cooperation and response from the public. Crisis communicators should expect certain patterns, as described below, and understand that these patterns affect communication. There are a number of psychological barriers that could interfere with cooperation and response from the public. A communicator can mitigate many of  the following reactions by acknowledging these feelings in words, expressing empathy, and being honest.

Unfortunately, there are more questions than answers during a crisis, especially in the beginning. At that time, the full magnitude of the crisis, the cause of the disaster, and the actions that people can take to protect themselves may be unclear. This uncertainty will challenge even the greatest communicator.  The key here is to acknowledge that there is uncertainty.  If you do not have a real handle on what is happening be honest and do not put forward a false front.  Identify with your community in the situation.

One needs to remember that members of your community are going through a variety of emotions such as fear, dread, anxiety, hopelessness, helplessness, denial and panic.   All of these emotions drive the perception people have of reality.  That perception is their reality even if it does not match the situation.  If the perception a person has of your agency or your spokesperson is that they can not be trusted to tell the truth then no amount of materials will change their response to the situation.   This is somewhat the situation that occurred with the vaccines for Covid -19 and the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control.  Certain members of the community simply did not trust the CDC or FDA and were not persuaded to get vaccinated.

Bearing in mind the mental state of the community it is not advisable to do a data dump of information when you’re sharing with the public. As stated before you need to keep the message simple but not demeaning to the public. Public is not receptive to comments like ” this is a really complicated topic and you wouldn’t understand it therefore just trust me when I tell you you don’t have to worry”.

During the early stage of acute danger, the priority for all is basic safety and survival. Most people respond appropriately to protect their lives and the lives of others. To reduce the threat, they create spontaneous efforts to cooperate with others. However, some may behave in disorganized ways and may not respond as expected. The more stress felt in a crisis, the greater the impact on the individual. Important causes of stress include the following:

Threat to life and encounters with death.
Feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.
Personal loss and dislocation, such as being
separated from loved ones or home.

Feelings of being responsible, such as telling
oneself “I should be doing more.”

Feelings of facing an inescapable threat.
Feelings of facing malevolence from others, such
as deliberate efforts that cause harm.

During the initial phase:

Don’t over-reassure.
Acknowledge uncertainty.
Emphasize that a process is in place to learn more.
Be consistent in providing messages[6]

Making Facts Work in Your Message

Communicating during an emergency is different than routine communication. Under stress, people face greater challenges understanding and remembering messages. The following factors are important to consider when creating initial messages about an emergency:

Present a concise message: When people are scared or anxious, they have a hard time taking in and remembering large amounts of information. Keep the first messages simple and only include immediately relevant information. Do not start out with a lot of background. Avoid jargon and technical terms.

Repeat the main message: Reach and frequency are essential for protecting the public with your first messages. Repetition helps people remember the message, especially during an emergency when memory retention is shorter due to anxiety and racing thoughts.

Give action steps in positives (when feasible): Whenever possible, use positive messages such as, “drink bottled water” or “boil drinking water,” instead of negatives like, “do not drink the water.” Words like no and not can be easily confused or forgotten in moments of heightened emotions and background noise. Additionally, simply telling someone not to do something can leave them looking for/unsure of acceptable action steps.» Note: Sometimes action can only be conveyed clearly by using the negative. One example is the message to pregnant women to protect them from the Zika virus: “Pregnant women should not travel to areas with risk of Zika.” Saying, “Pregnant women should travel to areas without risk of Zika” does not clearly convey what pregnant women need to do to stay safe.

Create action steps in threes or fours: During normal times, people tend to only remember three to seven pieces of information at a time.8 In an emergency, this drops down to only three simple directions. Some good examples are “stop, drop, and roll,” for response to fire, and “separate, cook, and chill,” for food safety.

Use personal pronouns: Using personal pronouns when communicating on behalf of your organization personalizes the message and helps with credibility and cohesion. Use phrases such as, “We are committed to…” or “We understand the need for…”

Respect people’s fears and perceptions: Do not judge or use condescending phrases. Instead say things like “It is normal to feel anxious in times like this.”

Give people options: Avoid being paternalistic. Instead of just telling them what to do, give people options and inform their decisions.

Avoid humor: Humor is never a good idea in emergency communication. Be cautious not to offend others and remain sensitive, especially in public. Be aware that microphones left live and cell phones can easily capture “behind-the-scenes” moments.[7]

Message Mapping

In the section above we discussed the importance of the message and actually throughout the entire discussion on communication we stress the importance of the message. There is a concept out there not only in the health community but in the business community that is called message mapping.  On the CDC website there is a page devoted to Message Mapping for a variety of public health situations.

Dr. Vincent T. Covello is a person that took this concept and really fine-tuned.  The essence of developing a message map for a crisis situation is to identify the major concerns that you community may have and to develop messages to be shared with the community. It takes into account the limited capacity that the community may have during a crisis to handle more than three ideas at a single time. Message mapping process anticipates questions that may be asked by the press or by the community.

Key message construction by the message mapping team is based on principles derived from one of the main theories of risk communication — mental noise theory. Mental noise theory states that when people are upset they often have difficulty hearing, understanding, and remembering information. Mental noise can reduce a  person’s ability to process information by over 80 percent.

Solutions to mental noise theory that guide key message development specifically, and message
mapping generally, include:

Developing a limited number of key messages: ideally 3 key messages or one key message with three parts for each underlying concern or specific question (conciseness);

Keeping individual key messages brief: ideally less than 3 seconds or less than 9 words for each key message and less than 9 seconds and 27 words for the entire set of three key messages (brevity).(note from text book author – you wish to keep your message brief so that when the news media is editing your comments they can not edit out part of what you said.  The rule is that you need to be able to say it in one breath)

Developing messages that are clearly understandable by the target audience: typically at the 6 th to 8 th grade readability level for communications to the general public (clarity).

Placing messages within a message set so that the most important messages occupy the first and last positions.

Developing key messages that cite credible third parties.

Using graphics and other visual aids to enhance key messages.

Balancing negative key messages with positive, constructive, or solution oriented key messages.

Avoiding unnecessary uses of the words no, not, never, nothing, none

It is important to note that developing a message map is not an easy task.  It takes a lot of work and thought to develop an effective message map during a crisis.  As an example when Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York City decided that they were no longer going to look for bodies in the Twin Towers, his team spent the entire night developing the one message and follow up messages for that one event.  Times of crisis are serious and developing messages for those times is just a serious.

Below is an example of a message map related to Small Pox [8]

Message Map on Small Pox

One of the elements of message mapping is that you can develop such a map for questions that could be anticipated in public meetings.  Below is a message map developed by ATSDR for soils. [9]ATSDR ,message map on Soils

Social Media

This quote from Gail McGovern, President, American Red Cross really says it all about social media during times of crisis ““The social web is creating a fundamental shift in disaster response—one that will ask emergency managers, government agencies, and aid organizations to mix time-honored expertise with real-time input from the public…We need to work together to better respond to that shift.” [10] 

In times past when there was a mass casualty event within a community the hospitals would hold frequent news conferences to update the press about the status of person in the hospital.  During a recent mass shooting event the receiving hospital held very few press conference but instead  released information to the community via social networks.

These types of systems work very well for alerting the community of issues. Consider Amber alerts that we receive on our phones.  At Boise State University there is an emergency alert system that keeps everyone appraised of potential threats or even things like closures due to snow.  The community is depending more and more on such tools.  To ignore being on social media can only heighten the concern within the community. In that regards one needs to keep in mind the broad spectrum of social media that is being used by the community and provide information on those platforms used by your community.

Communication during times of crisis is an art as well as a science.  It takes time to do it right and also proper training.  There are a lot of moving parts to effective communication during these times.

  1. https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/136/4/1064/4664193?login=false
  2. https://www.cartierphilanthropy.org/partnerships/more-nutritious-tortillas-to-fight-malnutrition
  3. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/food-genetically-modified
  4. https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/manual/index.asp
  5. https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/ppt/CERC_Introduction.pdf
  6. https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/ppt/CERC_Psychology_of_a_Crisis.pdf
  7. https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/ppt/CERC_Messages_and_Audiences.pdf
  8. https://www.orau.gov/cdcynergy/erc/content/activeinformation/resources/Covello_message_mapping.pdf
  9. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/communications-toolkit/documents/12_message-mapping-tool-final-111015_508.pdf
  10. https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/ppt/CERC_Social%20Media%20and%20Mobile%20Media%20Devices.pdf


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