
15 BAS 425: Creating a Culture of Safety

Creating a Culture of Safety is an intentionally-designed course that covers the integration of safety and wellbeing into many different environments and workplaces. It’s a holistic view of Safety in the workplace or in a student’s profession of choice, looking at the issue from many different perspectives and exploring many solutions.

The textbook for BAS 425:  Creating and Culture of Safety is Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry:  Engineering & Technology, 14th Edition – 2015.

  • ISBN:  9780879123215
  • Author:  Hagan

What this course is (and is not) about

This course isn’t an OSHA Certification test-prep course, but being OSHA-certified in a few areas makes students very familiar with the material in this course. Many other industry-standard trainings speak well to this course, as well. This is a course about safety in the workplace or other professional settings. It is about a culture of safety, where safety is a collective mindset that is applied by a large group working together.

This course isn’t about safety in the home/family or on an individual basis (like wearing a helmet when biking or watching kids closely at a playground). The course isn’t about choosing between right and wrong about safety issues.

The course is about understanding safety from a legal and professional perspective as it applies to the workplace or other organizations. It is about integrating safety into the mindset and frameworks of a professional group, so that group can work together to keep all their members safe. It is about making safety an integrated, natural, and crucial part of the workplace environment.

Safety has many different elements, and the best challenges touch on several of these elements. From security to maintenance to protocols to communication to record-keeping…on and on. There are many different ways of creating a culture of safety, and this course challenge should encompass multiple aspects of safety rather than only focusing on one specific aspect.

Certification Equivalencies

Due to the straightforward nature of this course, there are several professional certifications which can automatically equate to credit for BAS 425. The following certifications are eligible for this equivalency:

Approved Certifications

OHST – Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technician – https://www.bcsp.org/ohst

CHST – Construction Health and Safety Technician – https://www.bcsp.org/chst

CSP – Certified Safety Professional – https://www.bcsp.org/CSP

ASP – Associate Safety Professional – https://www.bcsp.org/ASP

GSP – Graduate Safety Professional – https://www.bcsp.org/GSP

CIH – Certified Industrial Hygienist – http://www.abih.org/about-abih/cih-caih

STS – Safety Trained Supervisor – https://www.bcsp.org/STS

STSC – Safety Trained Supervisor Construction – https://www.bcsp.org/STSC

If you have other certifications not listed here and would like to discuss your certifications in the context of course equivalencies, please contact your Course Instructor.

Course Description

A combination of principles and practices designed to provide the student with a basis for understanding the nature of occupational accident prevention and loss reduction. The topics to be examined include legislative aspects, accident causation, and strategies for minimizing injury and losses, and sources of assistance in resolving safety and health problems.

Course Objectives

After finishing the course, the successful student will be able to:

  1. Identify and discuss classic and emerging occupational safety and health issues in the context of their historical and social significance
  2. Describe the basis for the OSH Act, the OSHA inspection process, standards, and reporting of workers compensation records and statistics
  3. Apply the discipline of safety and health to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control and prevention of occupational health hazards
  4. Understand the impact of management and regulatory strategies on the day to day responsibilities of occupational safety and health professionals
  5. Discuss the role of a safety and health professional in a comprehensive safety and health program and understand the complementary roles of allied health professionals
  6. Conduct basic hazard identification and assessment techniques, and recommend common/basic methods to mitigate hazards


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