
Module 12 – La vie professionnelle

Première partie : le monde du travail, la grammaire

La Grammaire

In this section:

  • Le conditionnel

  • Si Clauses with the conditional

  • Les verbes du monde du travail

Le conditionnel

Photo by Fauxels for Pexels

The conditional is used to refer to hypothetical events. It occurs in polite requests and most frequently with if clauses. In French, it is called le conditionnel and is most often translated by would in English.


1. Wishes or requests – The conditional expresses potentiality. It is used to express a wish or a suggestion, to make a request, or to accept or extend invitations. It is less direct and more polite than the imperative. The verbs ‘pouvoir’, ‘vouloir’, and ‘devoir’ are often found in the conditional to diminish the strength of a command.

In most cases, the conditional is translated as meaning would in English. However, je pourrais means ‘I could’, je devrais means ‘I should’ and je voudrais means ‘I would like’.

Also do not confuse ‘would’ in English meaning ‘used to’ which should be translated as an imparfait in French, and NOT as the conditional.

2. Hypothetical action – The conditional is used when making statements which are contrary to present facts. It expresses a hypothethical result which depends on (stated or implied) circumstances which do not exist. In order for the action expressed by the conditional to occur, something else must take place first. Note that the condition in the si or if clause, is always stated in the imparfait. (See ‘si’ clauses for further examples.)

3. Possibility or uncertainty – The conditional is also used to give information whose accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Journalists often use it to report events which are not known to be true.

4. Reported speech (indirect discourse)- In addition, the conditional is used to represent the future in relation to a narration in the past when reported speech is used to tell what someone said.

The stem used to form the conditional is the same as the stem of the future (usually the infinitive).

The conditional endings are -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient (These are also the imperfect endings).

jouer  ‘to play’
je jouerais, I would play nous jouerions, we would play
tu jouerais, you would play vous joueriez, you would play
il, elle,iel / on jouerait,
he, she (it) /would play
ils / elles/iels  joueraient, they would play

The above formation works for -er verbs (aimer, j’aimerais), -ir verbs (finir, je finirais) and -re verbs (vendre, je vendrais).

Remember to drop the final e from the infinitive stem of -re verbs .

The r in the stem is representative of the conditional, as well as the future. Only the difference in the pronunciation of the endings distinguishes the two. The difference between the je forms is subtle. Can you hear the differences? Note also how the e of the infinitive of -er verbs changes in the future and conditional forms.

regarder  ‘to look at’
future conditional
je regarderai je regarderais
tu regarderas tu regarderais
il/elle/iel regardera il/elle/iel regarderait
nous regarderons nous regarderions
vous regarderez vous regarderiez
ils/elles/iels regarderont ils/elles/iels regarderaient

Irregular stems
Verbs with irregular future stems use the same irregular stems in the conditional. Here is a list of the most common irregular stems:

infinitive stem conditional translation
aller ir- j’irais I would go
avoir aur- j’aurais I would have
courir courr- je courrais I would run
devoir devr- je devrais I would be obliged to
envoyer enverr- j’enverrais I would send
être ser- je serais I would be
faire fer- je ferais I would do
falloir faudr- il faudrait it would be necessary
mourir mourr- je mourrais I would die
obtenir obtiendr- j’obtiendrais I would obtain
pleuvoir pleuvr- il pleuvrait it would rain
pouvoir pourr- je pourrais I would be able
recevoir recevr- je recevrais I would receive
savoir saur- je saurais I would know
tenir tiendr- je tiendrais I would hold
venir viendr- je viendrais I would come
voir verr- je verrais I would see
vouloir voudr- je voudrais I would want

Verbs with spelling changes
Some verbs with spelling changes in the present form their future/conditional stem regularly. These include verbs like préférer, espérer, manger, and commencer.

infinitive stem conditional translation
préférer préférer- je préférerais I would prefer
espérer espérer- j’espérerais I would hope
manger manger- je mangerais I would eat
commencer commencer- je commencerais I would start

Verbs with spelling changes like appeler, employer and acheter add -r to the present of the je form to create their future stem.

present tense stem conditional translation
j’appelle appeller- j’appellerais I would call
j’emploie emploier- j’emploierais I would use
j’achète achèter- j’achèterais I would buy

Si Clauses with the conditional

Si clauses (if clauses in English) indicate possibilities, which may or may not become reality. They refer to the present, past, and future. These conditional sentences have two parts: the condition, or si clause, and the main or result clause which indicates what will happen if the condition of the si clause is met.

The tense of the result clause depends on the tense of the si clause. In other words, the tense of the two clauses follow a prescribed sequence.

Si + imperfect (imparfait)

si clause result clause
si + imperfect
(contrary to current facts)

This second type of si clause is contrary to fact in the present. The consequence is thus seen as impossible. Note that in French, the imperfect is used in the si clause, never the conditional.

Q. Si vous étiez une voiture, que seriez-vous? Q. If you were a car, what would you be?
R. Si j’étais une voiture, je serais la légendaire 2CV. R. If I were a car, I would be the legendary 2CV.
Q. Si vous étiez un fruit, lequel choisiriez-vous? Q. If you were a fruit, which one would you choose?
R. Si j’étais un fruit, je choisirais le raisin pour pouvoir me transformer en vin. R. If I were a fruit, I would choose grapes, so that I could be transformed into wine.
Q. Si vous étiez un oiseau, que feriez-vous? Q. If you were a bird, what would you do?
R. Si j’étais un oiseau, je volerais. R. If I were a bird, I would fly.

Les verbes

Il y a trois types de verbes en français :  ceux qui terminent en -ER, -IR et -RE

Écoutez et répétez :

chercher une situation to look for a job
faire une demande d’emploi to apply for a job
prendre un rendez-vous to make an appointment
remplir un formulaire to fill out a form
embaucher / être embauché(e) to hire / to be hired
gérer to manage, direct, organize
gagner sa vie / gagner de l’argent to earn a living / to earn money
payer des impôts to pay taxes

être au chômage


to be unemployed

être à la retraite to be retired


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Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 201 Copyright © 2023 by Department of World Languages, Boise State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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