10.3: The Topic and Thesis
Learning Objectives
- Develop a speech in the proper order.
- Apply topic selection criteria to select a topic for an audience.
- Develop a specific speech purpose.
- Translate a specific speech purpose into a properly worded thesis statement.
A Holistic Approach to Speech Development
Although there are “steps” to preparing a speech, a more appropriate way of thinking of speech preparation is as a dynamic process. Instead of seeing speech development as a linear process, it is better to see it as a holistic process of creating all components of speech so they fit together as an effective whole. A puzzle metaphor demonstrates this approach.
As the model illustrates (see Figure 10.3.1), the core of this dynamic process is audience analysis, and the speech is built around our understanding of our audience. We then develop the content (selecting the topic, finding the content, and organizing the speech) and prepare the content for presentation (practice the delivery).
Although there is a sense of a linear process, sticking to some sort of artificial step process is not as important as making sure that all the pieces fit together as an effective, unified whole. Although we may have developed one area, as we prepare the whole speech, we may need to revisit earlier parts of the process and alter those to achieve a unified whole.

Long description of Figure 10.3.1: A square puzzle made with five pieces. The center piece is audience analysis. Build around this are select and narrow the topic, find the content, organize the speech, and practice the delivery
Parts of the Speech
While there are a variety of ways to organize a speech, the most common structure breaks the speech into four parts:
- Introduction
- Thesis/preview
- Body of the speech
- Conclusion
Portions of the Speech
The introduction, ending with the thesis/preview, comprises approximately 10% of the speech. The body of the speech is about 85% of the speech, and the remaining 5% is the conclusion.
The percentages should be used as guidelines for the speaker, not as absolutes. Most of the speaker’s efforts should be focused on relating the core information or arguments the speaker needs to share and the audience is there to hear. Since the body of the speech contains this core information, most of the time should be spent in that area.

Long description of Figure 10.3.2: Parts of a speech located in the center with order of development on the left and portion of the speech on the right. At the top is Introduction and Thesis. These are parts 3 and 1 respectively in order of development and should take up about 10% of the speech. Below these is the Body, which is part 2 in the order of development and should take up 85% of the speech. Finally, the conclusion is at the bottom. It is part 4 in the order of development and uses up 5% of the speech.
Order of development
In developing the speech, novice speakers often make the mistake of starting with the introduction. Since the introduction comes first, it seems logical to start there; however, this is wrong. Creating the thesis is the first step in good speech development. Until we know what the speech is about, we cannot effectively determine an introduction. Just as we cannot introduce a person we do not know; we cannot introduce a topic not yet developed. The most effective order of preparation is:
- Thesis. Since the thesis defines what the speech is about and what it is not about, developing it first helps guide the speaker in developing the body, doing research, and staying properly focused.
- Body. The body of the speech is the key content the audience is there to hear, so the speaker should spend a substantive amount of time researching, organizing, and fine-tuning this core content.
- Introduction. A speech introduction is the most creative part of the process. Since it is intended to pull the audience into the thesis and prepare them for the body, by waiting until after developing the body, the speaker will have a clear sense of what the introduction should do. During research for the body, it is common to come across a quotation, example, or some other idea for the attention-getting device of the introduction.
- Conclusion. While it is the shortest part of a speech, it is especially important as it is the last thing the audience will hear, leaving the audience with their final impression of the speech. This is developed last as there are ways to conclude a speech that is built on how the speaker begins the speech.
While this order of development is important, always remember the “puzzle” metaphor: we must work to make all the parts fit together, so there can be a lot of revisiting parts to alter or fine-tune them. Speech development is a dynamic process in which changing one part of the speech may have a ripple effect, affecting other parts. In the end, a good speaker makes sure that the speech is consistent, coherent, organized, and flows well for the audience.
One of the most challenging steps classroom students face when given the classic speech assignment is to select and narrow a topic to fit the time limits of the assignment.
Topic Selection
Producing a topic “out of the blue” is quite difficult. Realistically, finding a topic for a classroom speech is far more difficult than finding one for a speech in a work or community setting.
Most presentations outside the classroom will be on topics in which the speaker is well-versed and comfortable. If asked to speak, it will typically be to share knowledge within their field of expertise. If a business hires a Communication Studies instructor to present at a training session, they are hiring them for expertise in communication. Even then, the speaker still has a responsibility to narrow it to a specific topic, to adapt it to their audience and the occasion, and to fit the time limits. So outside of the initial step, determining the overall subject, speakers still must go through the topic development process.
Topic Selection Criteria
In selecting a topic, one of the most common mistakes novice speakers make is to take a sender-based approach. This is assuming the audience has a strong interest in the same things the speaker feels passionate about. Just because a speaker may be deeply into video gaming does not inherently mean the audience shares that interest. To select a good topic, the speaker needs to be receiver-based and objectively consider what is most likely to be successful. While the speaker’s interest can certainly serve as a good starting point to identify a general topic, the specific topic and approach to the topic must be carefully considered.
There are four criteria to determine the appropriateness of a topic:
Time Limits – The speaker must fit the speech into the given time limits. The speech needs to fill the allotted time, and yet it cannot exceed that given time. It is a core speaker’s responsibility to treat the audience with respect and to fill those time limits appropriately. Exceeding time limits is simply not an option. If a topic cannot be covered within a given time, the speaker has two options: limit the topic or get a new topic.
As we know from looking at culture, Americans are quite monochronic, events are scheduled one at a time, with one event following another. We see time as a resource, like money, to be budgeted and spent wisely. When speeches end on time, we have gotten what we have paid for. If they run a little short, we may feel we got a deal, but if they run quite short, we feel we got cheated. The audience is spending their time on the speaker; give them their money’s worth. On the other hand, if the speech runs too long, the speaker is “stealing” time from the audience, taking our time and resources without our permission. Time limits are important in a mono-chronic culture.
- Audience Interest – We need to select a topic we think will appeal to a specific audience. This may be a topic we know the audience will have an immediate interest in or one in which the audience will have an interest once we develop the topic. Being receiver-based, the speaker must be honest in their assessment of the topic and the audience, careful not to project their own interests onto the audience.
- Speaker Interest – Although audience interest is certainly key, the speaker must also have an interest in the topic. A lack of speaker interest can be deadly. If the speaker is unmotivated to develop and present the speech, the speech usually sounds as if the speaker is bored and does not care. The speaker loses their own sense of desire to do an excellent job. A good topic has a healthy balance of audience interest and speaker interest.
- Occasion Appropriateness – We need to consider why the audience is gathered and select a topic that fits the occasion. If the audience is gathered at a business conference, learning new ways of interacting with clients, an informative topic on some aspect of communication skills may be appropriate. For a commencement address, talking about the dire state of the economy may not fit the celebratory nature of the event; the topic should invoke growth, opportunity, and an optimistic future. We want our topic to complement the reason the audience is gathered.
Narrowing a Topic
Since the speaker needs to fit the speech into the allotted time, we need to move from a broader topic to a narrower, much more specific topic. Finding a specific topic is a process of analysis, selection, and narrowing. The goal of the process is to find a specific topic that fits the same criteria as discussed above: audience interest; speaker interest; occasion appropriateness; and time limits.
An effective way to narrow the topic is to start with a broader topic and brainstorm a large list of sub-topics. Using the previous four criteria, narrow the topic to the best fit. If the topic is still too large, repeat the process as often as needed to reach a manageable topic.
Specific Speech Purpose
After finding that specific topic, develop the specific speech purpose. The specific speech purpose is the narrow, focused direction the speech will be taking. The function of the specific speech purpose is twofold: to identify what goes in the speech, and to identify what does not go in the speech. The specific speech purpose establishes the parameters of the speech. We use the parameters as guidance as to what to include in the speech and what to keep out of the speech. This is an important consideration. Unless the speaker keeps a tight rein on the development of the speech, the speech can get out of control, suddenly diverting into a different area or expanding beyond the time limit.
For example, in an informative speech:
- To inform my audience on how to write an effective resume.
- To inform my audience of alternative forms of financial aid.
- To inform my audience of creative ways of using macaroni and cheese.
For persuasion, the specific speech purposes would be slightly different, reflecting the idea of changing an audience’s belief, attitude, or action:
- To persuade my audience to donate blood.
- To persuade my audience to vote for the school referendum.
- To persuade my audience to use a designated driver.
The Thesis
Once the specific speech purpose has been developed, we can easily create the thesis. The thesis is the specific, concise statement of intent for the speech. It is one, single sentence clearly stating exactly what the speech will address. Converting the specific speech purpose to the thesis is simple:
“To inform my audience on how to write an effective resume.”
“Today I’ll take you through the steps of writing an effective resume.”
“To inform my audience of alternative forms of financial aid.”
“There are several alternate forms of financial aid for you to consider.”
“To inform my audience of creative ways of using macaroni and cheese.”
“I’ll show you several creative ways of using macaroni and cheese.”
“To persuade my audience to donate blood.”
“Today I’ll show you why it is important that you donate blood.”
“To persuade my audience to vote for the school referendum.”
“Voting for the upcoming school referendum is important for the success of our schools.”
“To persuade my audience to use a designated driver.”
“When you go out partying, you should use a designated driver.”
Good Thesis Traits
- Concise. The thesis is a simple, straightforward sentence clearly telling the audience what the speech is going to be about.
- Grammatically simple. There is one subject and one predicate; it is not a compound sentence, nor a compound-complex sentence. The thesis is not a question.
- Blatant. A speech thesis is blunter and more obvious than what we might use in writing.
- Identifies the parameters of the speech. It tells the audience what the speaker will be doing, which, by definition, also tells the audience what the speaker is not doing.
- Consistent with the speaker’s overall speech purpose. The wording reflects the proper informative or persuasive tone.
Key Terms & Concepts
- audience interest
- body of the speech (parts of a speech)
- conclusion (parts of a speech)
- introduction (parts of a speech)
- occasion appropriateness
- speaker interest
- specific speech purpose
- thesis/preview (parts of a speech)
- time limits
Licensing and Attribution: Content in this section is a combination of:
10.3: The Topic and Thesis in Competent Communication (2nd edition) by Lisa Coleman, Thomas King, & William Turner. It is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license.
8.3: Audience Analysis and 8.4: The Topic and Thesis in Introduction to Communication (Green et al.) by Keith Green, Ruth Fairchild, Bev Knudsen, & Darcy Lease-Gubrud. It is licensed under a CC BY-NC license.