Das Verb werden – The Verb werden
The verb werden is irregular in the present tense. Like many other irregular verbs, it changes the stem vowel in the second and third person singular forms (du and er/sie/es).
werden • to become, to get, to turn (an age) | |
ich werde | wir werden |
du wirst | ihr werdet |
er/sie/es wird | sie werden |

Natalie | Ich werde Tante! | I am becoming an aunt! |
Susanne | Ach ja? Wer bekommt ein Baby? | Oh yeah? Who is having a baby? |
Natalie | Meine Schwester, das Baby kommt im März. | My sister, the baby is due in March. |
Susanne | Ich werde am 10. März 25 Jahre alt. | I’m turning 25 on the 10th of March. |
Natalie | Das stimmt! Und ich werde am 25. März 24 Jahre alt, vielleicht kommt das Baby an meinem oder deinem Geburtstag. | That’s right! And I am turning 24 on the 25th of March. Maybe the baby will come on my or your birthday. |
Beware the false cognate: Unlike in English, where become means to turn into something (and in this sense it is synonymous with the verb get, as in get sick), in German only the verb werden indicates a change in personal state.
Bekommen means to receive, get (e.g. get a present) but never to turn into something (i.e., Natalie bekommt Schokolade zum Geburtstag, but this is does not indicate a transformation).
Helpful hint: in a dictionary, irregular verbs are marked as irreg. They are usually listed in the back of the dictionary, with their irregular forms (some verbs are irregular in the past tense, but not in the present tense, etc.).
die Würde | dignity, worth, rank |
würdelos | undignified, disgraceful |
würdevoll | dignified, with dignity |
der Würdenträger | dignitary |
würdigen | to recognize, appreciate |
Das kann aber nett werden | This could get ugly |
Daraus kann man gar nicht klug werden | This makes no sense at all |
Jetzt wird’s aber Tag! | What the heck? |
Was soll aus dir werden? | What is to become of you? |
Aus Liebe wird Hass | Love turns into hate |