Der Infinitivsatz – Infinitive Constructions
Infinitive constructions, most typically, provide (or expand) explanations. They can be short – one or two words – or sentence-length, can be introduced by zu (to), um … zu … (in order to) or by ohne … zu … (without). With each of these phrases, the zu comes before the infinitive, except with separable prefix verbs, in which case it goes between the separable prefix and the stem of the verb.
In English, these constructions often carry the meaning represented by a gerund (-ing), and very closely relate to the ‘to + infinitive‘ or ‘in order to + infinitive‘ constructions.
These infinitive constructions are dependent on another idea, in other words, there is some type of introduction or part of the sentence that the infinitive constructions is related to.
If the zu, um … zu … or by ohne … zu … construction consists of more than one or two words, it is separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma.
Ich habe daran gedacht, die alte Pizza hinauszuschmeißen. | I considered throwing the old pizza out. |
Ich habe mich entschieden, die Pizza zu probieren. | I decided to try the pizza. |
Ich wollte nicht, um nicht krank zu werden. | I didn’t want to in order to not become sick. |
Ohne die Pizza zu schmecken, habe ich sie weggeschmissen. | Without tasting the pizza, I threw it out. |