Der Konjunktiv: Überblick – The Subjunctive: Overview
The subjunctive mood (in contrast to the indicative mood – such as statements) is used for hypothetical statements (if, what if, if only…) and politeness (especially with modal verbs).
1. Hypothetical statements (if, what if, if only…)
Wenn ich eine bessere Arbeit hätte, wäre ich glücklicher. | If I had a better job, I would be happier. |
2. Politeness (especially with modal verbs)
Könnten Sie bitte den Tisch decken? | Could you please set the table? |

3. Reported, indirect speech
Die Mutter hat versprochen, dass sie zum Supermarkt gehen werde. Juchuh! | The mother promised that she would go to the grocery store. Yeah! |
There are two main types of subjunctive:
- Konjunktiv I (indirect speech)
- Konjunktiv II (hypothetical situations, politeness)