Die Fragewörter – Question Words

There are two ways to ask a question, depending on the type of information you need. Whereas a yes/no question is only interested in an either-or answer, the so-called w-questions require a more comprehensive answer (unless they are rhetorical questions, of course …)
10. |
der Tag |
Was für ein Tag ist heute? |
What day is today? |
9. |
der Mann |
Wer ist das? |
Who is that? |
8. |
die Stadt |
Woher kommst du? |
Where do you come from? |
7. |
spät |
Wieso kommst du zu spät? |
Why are you late? |
6. |
die Tasche |
Wessen Tasche ist das? |
Whose bag is that? |
5. |
das Deutsch |
Warum studiert du Deutsch? |
Why do you study German? |
4. |
das Deutschland |
Wohin reist du diesen Sommer? |
Where to do you travel this summer? |
3. |
this |
Wer ist das? |
Who is this? |
2. |
die Woche |
Wieviele Tage die Woche hast du Deutsch? |
How many day in the week do you have German? |
1. |
das Wochenende |
Wie kommt das, Frau Müller, dass am Wochenende das Geschäft geschlossen ist? |
How come, Frau Müller, that the store is closed on the weekend? |

W-question words
The question word in German is at the beginning (they are called W-words because they all start with the letter w], followed by the conjugated verb in second position whether that conjugated verb is a modal verb (e.g., können, sollen) or an auxiliary verb (e.g., hätte, ist, werde).
Wann? |
When? |
Wie lange? |
How long? |
Warum? |
Why? |
Wie viele? |
How many? (count nouns) |
Was? |
What? |
Wieso? |
Why? |
Wer? |
Who? |
Wieviel? |
How much? (mass nouns) |
Weshalb? |
Why? |
Wo? |
Where? |
Wessen? |
Whose? |
Woher? |
Where from? |
Weswegen? |
Why? |
Wohin? |
Where to? |
Nota Bene: WER and WO are false cognates with the English “who” and “where.”
Wer kommt aus Deutschland? |
Who is from Germany? |
Wo wohnst du? |
Where do you live? |
Welcher and wer have to be declined if they are in the accusative or dative case.
nominativ |
akkusativ |
dativ |
Maskulin |
welcher |
welchen |
(von) welchem |
Feminin |
welche |
welche |
(von) welcher |
Neutral |
welches |
welches |
(von) welchem |
Plural |
welche |
welche |
(von) welchen |
Welcher Tag ist heute? |
Which day is today? |
Mit welcher Aufgabe beginne ich? |
With which assignment do I start/begin? |
WER? |
Nominativ |
Akkusativ |
Dativ |
wer? |
wen? |
wem? |
die Lehrerin |
Wer unterrichtet Deutsch? |
Who teaches German? |
Frau Müller |
Wen sehe ich? |
Who do I see? |
der Lehrer |
Wer schreibt an der Tafel? |
Who writes on the board? |