Vergleiche mit Komparativ und Superlativ – Comparisons with comparatives and superlatives
Expressing similarities and differences
Similarities (so…wie — as…as)
When comparing two or more people, things, places, etc., you can express that they are the same by using the expressions so … wie …, genauso … wie…, or nicht so … wie … and the basic forms of adjectives.

Die Chefin ist genauso wichtig wie der Angestellte. | The boss is exactly as important as the employee. |
Aber der Angestellte ist nicht so humorvoll wie sie! | But the employee is not as funny as her! |
Und sie ist so treu wie ein Hund! | And she is as loyal as a dog! |
Differences between two entities (der Komparativ – the Comparative)
When comparing two people, things, places, etc., you can say that one is bigger …, smaller …, more …, less … than the other with the comparative forms of the adjectives (for regular adjectives the ending is –er) and expressions such as als … (than) or immer … (more and more…).
Der Koch ist su¨ßer als mein Kumpel. | The cook is cuter than my friend. |
Die Universität ist immer freundlicher. | The university is getting more and more friendly! |

Differences among three or more entities (der Superlativ – the Superlative)
When comparing more than two people, things, places, etc., you can express that something is the best, the hippest, the bee’s knees by using the superlative forms of adjectives (for regular adjectives, the construction is am + an adjective ending of –sten) and expressions such as in der ganzen Welt (in the whole world) or unter allen anderen … (among all others)
Die Königin will wissen, wer am schönsten im Lande ist. | The queen wants to know who the most beautiful in the country is. |
Die Königin sollte mehr lesen! JEDER weiß, dass Schneewittchen am schönsten ist. | The queen should read more! EVERYONE knows that Snow White is most beautiful (of all). |

Regular adjectives
Regular comparative and superlative adjectives merely put an –er and an –est ending on the basic adjective, even if they are very long (in contrast to English, which uses ‘more’ or ‘most’ if the adjective is more than two syllables long, such as diligent or intelligent).
basic | comparative | superlative | english |
wichtig | wichtiger | am wichtigsten | important/more important/the most important |
faul | fauler | am faulsten | lazy/lazier/the laziest |
fleißig | fleißiger | am fleißigsten | diligent/more diligent/the most diligent |
klein | kleiner | am kleinsten | small/smaller/the smallest |
traurig | trauriger | am traurigsten | sad/sadder/the saddest |
Irregular adjectives
Irregular comparative and superlative adjectives put an –er and an –est ending on the basic adjective, in addition to changes to the word stem. For example, syllables that are one syllable long and have –a-, –o-, –u-.
basic | comparative | superlative | english |
alt | älter | am ältesten | old/older/the oldest |
arm | ärmer | am ärmsten | poor/poorer/the poorest |
dumm | dümmer | am dümmsten | dumb/dumber/the dumbest |
jung | jünger | am jüngsten | young/younger/the youngest |
kalt | kälter | am kältesten | cold/colder/the coldest |
klug | klüger | am klügsten | smart/smarter/the smartest |
lang | länger | am längsten | long/longer/the longest |
scharf | schärfer | am schärfsten | sharp/sharper/the sharpest |
schwach | schwächer | am schwächsten | weak/weaker/the weakest |
stark | stärker | am stärksten | strong/stronger/the strongest |
warm | wärmer | am wärmsten | warm/warmer/the warmest |
Adjectives that end in –el, –en or –er drop the –e– before the comparative endings (but keep it in the superlative form!):
basic | comparative | superlative | english |
bitter | bittrer | am bittersten | bitter/more bitter/the most bitter |
dunkel | dunkler | am dunkelsten | dark/darker/the darkest |
teuer | teurer | am teuersten | expensive/more expensive/the most expensive |
Adjectives that end in –s, –ß, –z, –d, –t or a vowel … add an –e before the superlative –st suffix or drop the –s from the –st (adding the Umlaut in the one-syllable –a, –o, –u adjectives):
basic | comparative | superlative | english |
boshaft | boshafter | am boshaftesten | malicious/more malicious/the most malicious |
groß | größer | am größten | big/bigger/the biggest |
hart | härter | am härtesten | hard/harder/the hardest |
intelligent | intelligenter | am intelligentesten | intelligent/more intelligent/the most intelligent |
nett | netter | am nettesten | nice/nicer/the nicest |
schlau | schlauer | am schlauesten | smart/smarter/the smartest |
schwarz | schwärzer | am schwärzesten | black/blacker/the blackest |
süß | süßer | am süßesten | sweet/sweeter/the sweetest |
And of course, some adjectives are utterly irregular! You simply need to memorize these:
basic | comparative | superlative | english |
gut | besser | am besten | good/better/the best |
hoch | höher | am höchsten | tall(high)/taller/the tallest |
nah | näher | am nächsten | near/nearer/the nearest |
viel | mehr | am meisten | many/more/the most |