
🤒French Level 3, Activity 06: Maladie / Illnesses (Online)

A sick man eats soup with an ice pack on his head
Medical vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com
Description: In this activity, students will practice providing remedies for illnesses. Students will also practice discussing home remedies they used growing up.
Semantic Topics: illness, sickness, remedy, doctor, medicine, cold, flu, maladie, médecin, médicament, rhume, grippe, avoir mal à…, exprimer une maladie, explain sickness

Products: Pharmacies

Practices: Going to the pharmacy, getting a prescription

Perspectives: In France, it’s very common to visit a pharmacy in lieu of a doctor for illnesses and other minor medical issues. They are able to prescribe medications and suggest treatments for their patrons. The importance of pharmacies in France is more prominent than in the United States.

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations or correspondence in French to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret spoken and written French on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures of the francophone world.

Idaho State Content Standards:

  • COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
  • COMM 2.1: Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • CLTR 1.1: Analyze the cultural practices/patterns of behavior accepted as the societal norm in the target culture.
  • CLTR 1.2: Explain the relationship between cultural practices/behaviors and the perspectives that represent the target culture’s view of the world.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can talk about my health.
  • I can provide remedies for illnesses.
  • In my own and other cultures, I can explain how to behave appropriately when visiting the doctor.

Materials Needed:

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1. Begin by introducing the Can-Dos for today’s activity.


2. Ask students what kind of home remedies they believed in growing up. What were they? Do you think they work?

  • Savez-vous ce qu’est un remède de grand-mère ? (Do you know what a grandmother’s remedy is?)
  • En connaissez-vous ? (Do you know of any?)
  • Pensez-vous qu’ils marchent ? (Do you think they work?)

Main Activity

Identifying Illnesses


1. Screenshare the laminated people cards with the class.


2. Take turns going around and using the “Je”  form to describe one of the people on the cards (but don’t say the name of the person).

En cercle, à tour de rôle, les étudiants devront décrire à la première personne “je”, une des personnes identifiées sur les cartes. (Ne dites pas le nom de la personne).


3. The rest of the group has to guess who the person is AND say what they need/should do to get better.

Le reste du groupe doit deviner qui est cette personne et dire ce qu’elle doit ou devrait faire afin de se sentir mieux.


For example: if you say “J’ai mal à la gorge…” then the rest of the group has to guess who you are by identifying the correct person. In this case, the correct answer would be “Tu es Juliette. Elle a mal à la gorge et elle a besoin de boire du thé.”

Si tu dis “J’ai mal à la gorge…”, le reste du groupe devra deviner qui tu es et identifier correctement la personne. Dans cette situation, la réponse serait: “Tu es Juliette. Elle a mal à la gorge et elle a besoin de boire du thé.”


4. The person who gets the answer correct gets to keep the card. Whoever has the most “person cards” at the end wins.

La personne qui donne la bonne réponse, garde la carte. À la fin, la personne qui a le plus de cartes, gagne.



  • Pierre: se casser le bras
  • Marie: se casser la jambe
  • Juliette: avoir mal à la gorge
  • Claire: avoir mal à l’estomac
  • Léa: avoir la grippe / un rhume
  • Florian: être déprimé
  • Antoine: se fouler la cheville
  • Marc: avoir mal aux dents
  • Louise: être enceinte
  • Sophie: avoir sommeil / être fatigué
  • Alice: être brûlé par le soleil
  • Hugo: avoir la gueule de bois


Extra Activity

1. If there is extra time left, have the students get in partners and practice being the doctor and the patient.

S’il reste du temps, demandez aux étudiants de se mettre en équipe de 2 et de pratiquer les rôles du médecin et du patient.


2. The patient should think of a certain sickness (but not tell the doctor).

Le patient doit choisir une maladie (mais il ne doit pas la dire au médecin).


3. The doctor must ask certain questions like:

Le médecin doit poser des questions :

  • Qu’est-ce que vous avez ? (What have you got?)
  • Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas ? (What’s the matter?)
  • Vous avez bonne / mauvaise mine. (You look good / You don’t look so good.)
  • Où avez-tu mal ? (Where does it hurt?)
  • Quels sont vos symptômes ? (What are your symptoms?)
  • Vous êtes malade depuis quand ? (How long have you been feeling sick?)
  • C’est grave. / Ce n’est pas grave. (This is serious. / This is not serious.)
  • Je vous fais une ordonnance pour… (I put in a prescription for you for…)


4. Have the patient respond to the questions until the doctor can figure out what they patient has. The patient can use expressions like:

Le patient devra répondre aux questions jusqu’à ce que le médecin trouve quelle est la maladie du patient.

Le patient peut utiliser les expressions suivantes :

  • Je ne me sens pas bien tout. (I’m not feeling well.)
  • J’ai mal… (It hurts…)
  • Je fais une dépression (I’m having a breakdown)
  • Je me sens très bien (I’m feeling really well)
  • Je suis ici pour un check-up (I’m here for a check-up)


Ask the following question(s) to finish the activity:

  • Quelles sont les expressions que vous vous souvenez de cette activité ? (What are the expressions that you remember from this activity?)
  • Avez-vous été malade cette année ? De quelle(s) maladie(s) ? (Have you been sick this year? With what illness(es)?)

End of Activity:

  • Can-Do statement check-in… “Where are we?”
  • Read can-do statements and have students evaluate their confidence.
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self evaluation
  • Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can talk about my health.
  • I can provide remedies for illnesses.
  • In my own and other cultures, I can explain how to behave appropriately when visiting the doctor.

Cultural Resources

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Let's Chat! French Copyright © 2022 by Alexandre Bourque-Labbé; Amber Hoye; Andrea Blythe; Antoine Abjean; Cassy Ponga; Danyelle Quincy Davis; Emily Blackburn; Jasmine Wall; Jorge Corea; Josepha Sowanou; Justin Snyder; Kylene Butler; Lily Nelson; Manon Pretesesille; Michael Quiblier; Mimi Fahnstrom; Olivier Roy; Rylie Wieseler; Samantha Lind; and Tori Fisher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.