🙋‍♀️French Level 4, Activity 14: Jeopardy Review Game (Online)

A host and three contestants on a game show set
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Description: In this activity, students will review French vocabulary and grammar structures that they’ve learned throughout the semester.
Semantic Topics: jeopardy, review, french, grammar, revue, grammaire, français

Materials Needed:


1. Ask the students these questions:

  • Comment ça va ? (How are you?)
  • Comment comptez-vous poursuivre vos études de français pendant l’été ? (How do you plan to continue your French studies over the summer?)
  • Avez-vous des projets pour l’été ? (Do you have plans for the summer?)

Main Activity

*Note: If you’d like to customize this Jeopardy game, click “Edit.” Once you’ve clicked edit, you will see an option that says, “If this isn’t your template (or you forgot the password) then you can clone this template and edit the clone. Create a password for your clone below.”

Aujourd’hui nous allons jouer à Jeopardy pour revoir ce que vous avez appris pendant le semestre. 

Jeopardy Review Game

1. Use this link to access the Jeopardy Game: https://jeopardylabs.com/play/rvision-franais-202-3

2. Share your screen and have the students play to review. *You can split the students into teams or have them play individually.


Ask the following question(s) to finish the activity:

  • Avez-vous des questions ? (Do you have any questions?)

How to Remix a Pathways Project Activity

Feeling creative?  The Pathways Project needs your help in remixing activities for the K-12 classroom.

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  • Add new content (something you’ve created or another OER source)
  • Contribute additional activity suggestions
  • Integrate authentic materials such as videos, infographics, photos, etc.
  • Suggest how to implement the activity in the classroom
  • Customize the content for a specific audience or group of learners (for example, K-5 learners or to differentiate for student’s needs)

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Let's Chat! French Copyright © 2022 by Alexandre Bourque-Labbé; Amber Hoye; Andrea Blythe; Antoine Abjean; Cassy Ponga; Danyelle Quincy Davis; Emily Blackburn; Jasmine Wall; Jorge Corea; Josepha Sowanou; Justin Snyder; Kylene Butler; Lily Nelson; Manon Pretesesille; Michael Quiblier; Mimi Fahnstrom; Olivier Roy; Rylie Wieseler; Samantha Lind; and Tori Fisher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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