😂 French Level 3, Making Memes Work by Kylene Butler

Kylene Butler

portrait of KyleneCreated by Kylene Butler
North Allegheny School District

For this lesson, I wanted to explore a way to make the workplace vocabulary more engaging through social media and memes. In this lesson, students will explore authentic resources related to strike culture in France and will use memes to show their understanding of the information and incorporate the vocabulary.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements: 

  • I can explain aspects of the workplace using lesson vocabulary.
  • I can understand and explain information about strikes in France through reading and viewing of non-fiction texts.
  • I can create memes explaining aspects of the workplace culture in France.
  • I can explain a meme and how it connects to workplace culture in France in speech or in writing.


Materials Needed:

About the Activity

In this video, I share my insights on incorporating memes into language learning to boost student engagement. Drawing inspiration from an article by Wenjing Huang, I explore the use of AI and motivation in teaching vocabulary related to the workplace. The lesson focuses on students creating memes using existing vocabulary and cultural references, fostering ownership and interaction. No prior knowledge is required, just enthusiasm to learn and create!

About the author


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Let's Chat! French Copyright © 2022 by Kylene Butler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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